Interface PromeApp. More...
import "PrometheusCOM.idl";
Public Member Functions | |
HRESULT | Initialize () |
HRESULT | UnInitialize () |
HRESULT | ImportFuelsLookup ([in]const BSTR fileName) |
HRESULT | ExportFuelsLookup ([in]const BSTR FileName) |
HRESULT | ImportFuelGrid ([in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR fileName) |
HRESULT | ExportFuelGrid ([in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR fileName) |
HRESULT | ImportElevation ([in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR elevationFile) |
HRESULT | ExportElevationSlopeAspect ([in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR elevationFile, [in]const BSTR slopeFile, [in]const BSTR aspectFile) |
HRESULT | CreateGrid ([in]unsigned short xsize, [in]unsigned short ysize, [in]double latitude, [in]double longitude, [in]double xllcorner, [in]double yllcorner, [in]double resolution, [in]unsigned char fuel_index) |
HRESULT | GetGridDimension ([out]unsigned short *xDim, [out]unsigned short *yDim) |
HRESULT | GetGridLLCLocation ([out]double *lat, [out]double *lon) |
HRESULT | GetLLCOffset ([out]double *offX, [out]double *offY) |
HRESULT | SetBooleanAttribute ([in]unsigned short attribute_key, [in]VARIANT_BOOL value) |
HRESULT | GetBooleanAttribute ([in]unsigned short attribute_key, [out, retval]VARIANT_BOOL *value) |
HRESULT | SetIntegerAttribute ([in]unsigned short attribute_key, [in]int value) |
HRESULT | GetIntegerAttribute ([in]unsigned short attribute_key, [out, retval]int *value) |
HRESULT | SetDoubleAttribute ([in]unsigned short attribute_key, [in]double value) |
HRESULT | GetDoubleAttribute ([in]unsigned short attribute_key, [out, retval]double *value) |
HRESULT | SetStringAttribute ([in]unsigned short attribute_key, [in]BSTR value) |
HRESULT | GetStringAttribute ([in]unsigned short attribute_key, [out, retval]BSTR *value) |
HRESULT | GetGridValue ([in]unsigned short X, [in]unsigned short Y, [out]int *fuel_index) |
HRESULT | GetFuelIndexByName ([in]const BSTR FuelName, [out]unsigned char *lut_index) |
HRESULT | GetFuelNameByIndex ([in]int input_fuel_index, [out]BSTR *FuelName) |
HRESULT | CreateNewFuelFrom ([in]const BSTR OldFuelName, [in]const BSTR NewFuelName, [out]int *fuel_index) |
HRESULT | CreateNewFuelFromIndex ([in]int source_input_index, [in]const BSTR NewFuelName, [out]int *NewFuelIndex) |
HRESULT | DeleteFuel ([in]const BSTR FuelName) |
HRESULT | SetFuelDoubleAttribute ([in]int fuel_index, [in]unsigned short attribute_key, [in]double value) |
HRESULT | GetFuelDoubleAttribute ([in]int fuel_index, [in]unsigned short attribute_key, [out, retval]double *value) |
HRESULT | Ignition_Create ([in]const BSTR IgnitionName) |
HRESULT | Ignition_PutTime ([in]const BSTR IgnitionName, [in]const BSTR StartTime) |
HRESULT | Ignition_GetTime ([in]const BSTR IgnitionName, [out, retval]BSTR *StartTime) |
HRESULT | Ignition_Count ([in]const BSTR IgnitionName, [out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | Ignition_Clear ([in]const BSTR IgnitionName) |
HRESULT | Ignition_Size ([in]const BSTR IgnitionName, [in]int index, [out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | Ignition_MaxSize ([in]const BSTR IgnitionName, [out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | Ignition_Set ([in]const BSTR IgnitionName, [in]int index, [in]unsigned short ignition_type, [in] SAFEARRAY(double) xy_pairs) |
HRESULT | Ignition_Get ([in]const BSTR IgnitionName, [in]int index, [out]unsigned short *ignition_type, [out]int *ignition_size, [out]SAFEARRAY(double)*xy_pairs) |
HRESULT | Ignition_Type ([in]const BSTR IgnitionName, [in]int index, [out, retval]unsigned short *type) |
HRESULT | Ignition_Import ([in]const BSTR IgnitionName, [in]const BSTR fileName) |
HRESULT | Ignition_Export ([in]const BSTR IgnitionName, [in]const BSTR fileName) |
HRESULT | Ignition_Delete ([in]const BSTR IgnitionName) |
HRESULT | Ignition_Number ([out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | Ignition_PutName ([in]int index, [in]const BSTR IgnitionName) |
HRESULT | Ignition_GetName ([in]int index, [out, retval]BSTR *IgnitionName) |
HRESULT | Ignition_GetIndex ([in]const BSTR IgnitionName, [out, retval]int *index) |
HRESULT | Scenario_Create ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName) |
HRESULT | Scenario_Copy ([in]const BSTR fromScenarioName, [in]const BSTR newScenarioName) |
HRESULT | Scenario_SetDoubleAttribute ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]unsigned short attribute_key, [in]double value) |
HRESULT | Scenario_GetDoubleAttribute ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]unsigned short attribute_key, [out, retval]double *value) |
HRESULT | Scenario_SetBooleanAttribute ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]unsigned short attribute_key, [in]VARIANT_BOOL value) |
HRESULT | Scenario_GetBooleanAttribute ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]unsigned short attribute_key, [out, retval]VARIANT_BOOL *value) |
HRESULT | Scenario_SetIntegerAttribute ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]unsigned short attribute_key, [in]int value) |
HRESULT | Scenario_GetIntegerAttribute ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]unsigned short attribute_key, [out, retval]int *value) |
HRESULT | Scenario_SetTime ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]const BSTR StartTime, [in]const BSTR EndTime) |
HRESULT | Scenario_GetTime ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [out]BSTR *StartTime, [out]BSTR *EndTime) |
HRESULT | Scenario_SetBurnCondition ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]int Day, [in]VARIANT_BOOL Effective, [in]int StartHour, [in]int EndHour, [in]double WSThreshold, [in]double RHThreshold, [in]double FWIThreshold) |
HRESULT | Scenario_GetBurnCondition ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]int Day, [out]VARIANT_BOOL *Effective, [out]int *StartHour, [out]int *EndHour, [out]double *WSThreshold, [out]double *RHThreshold, [out]double *FWIThreshold) |
HRESULT | Scenario_SetDefaultBurnCondition ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]VARIANT_BOOL Effective, [in]int StartHour, [in]int EndHour, [in]double WSThreshold, [in]double RHThreshold, [in]double FWIThreshold) |
HRESULT | Scenario_GetDefaultBurnCondition ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [out]VARIANT_BOOL *Effective, [out]int *StartHour, [out]int *EndHour, [out]double *WSThreshold, [out]double *RHThreshold, [out]double *FWIThreshold) |
HRESULT | Scenario_GetIgnitionCount ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | Scenario_AddIgnition ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]const BSTR FireID) |
HRESULT | Scenario_RemoveIgnition ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]const BSTR FireID) |
HRESULT | Scenario_IgnitionAtIndex ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]int index, [out, retval]BSTR *FireID) |
HRESULT | Scenario_IndexOfIgnition ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]const BSTR FireID, [out, retval]int *index) |
HRESULT | Scenario_GetVectorCount ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | Scenario_AddVector ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]const BSTR VectorName) |
HRESULT | Scenario_RemoveVector ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]const BSTR VectorName) |
HRESULT | Scenario_VectorAtIndex ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]int index, [out, retval]BSTR *VectorName) |
HRESULT | Scenario_IndexOfVector ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]const BSTR VectorName, [out, retval]int *index) |
HRESULT | Scenario_GetWxStreamCount ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | Scenario_AddWxStream ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName) |
HRESULT | Scenario_RemoveWxStream ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName) |
HRESULT | Scenario_WxStreamAtIndex ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]int index, [out]BSTR *StationName, [out]BSTR *StreamName) |
HRESULT | Scenario_IndexOfWxStream ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName, [out, retval]int *index) |
HRESULT | Scenario_GetFilterCount ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | Scenario_InsertFilter ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]const BSTR FilterID, [in]int index) |
HRESULT | Scenario_RemoveFilter ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]const BSTR FilterID) |
HRESULT | Scenario_FilterAtIndex ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]int index, [out, retval]BSTR *FilterID) |
HRESULT | Scenario_IndexOfFilter ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]const BSTR FilterID, [out, retval]int *index) |
HRESULT | Scenario_Delete ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName) |
HRESULT | Scenario_Number ([out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | Scenario_PutName ([in]int index, [in]const BSTR ScenarioName) |
HRESULT | Scenario_GetName ([in]int index, [out, retval]BSTR *ScenarioName) |
HRESULT | Scenario_GetIndex ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [out, retval]int *index) |
HRESULT | Scenario_GetGridValue ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]unsigned short X, [in]unsigned short Y, [out]int *fuel_index) |
HRESULT | Simulate ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName) |
HRESULT | SimulateThreeSteps ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [out]long *StepResult) |
HRESULT | SimulateEightSteps ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [out]long *StepResult) |
HRESULT | GetAreaChange ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [out, retval]double *areaChange) |
HRESULT | GetArea ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [out, retval]double *area) |
HRESULT | GetNumOfVertices ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [out, retval]long *Num) |
HRESULT | GetIndexVertex ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]long index, [in, out]double *X, [in, out]double *Y) |
HRESULT | GetNumOfNewVertices ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [out, retval]long *ResultNum) |
HRESULT | SimulateStep ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName) |
HRESULT | SimulateStop ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName) |
HRESULT | SimulateRestart ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName) |
HRESULT | ExportScenarioFireFront ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]const BSTR FileName, [in]const BSTR StartTime, [in]const BSTR EndTime, [in]int only_active, [in]int only_exterior, [in]int combine_all, [in]const BSTR perimeter_units, [in]const BSTR area_units) |
HRESULT | IsXYBurned ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [in]double X, [in]double Y, [out, retval]int *burned) |
HRESULT | GetXYParameters ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName,[in]double X, [in]double Y, [in]unsigned short interp_method, [out]double *ros, [out]double *fi,[out]double *raz,[out]double *sfc,[out]double *cfb,[out]double *cfc,[out]double *tfc) |
HRESULT | GetBurnedBox ([in]const BSTR ScenarioName, [out]int *left, [out]int *right, [out]int *bottom, [out]int *top) |
HRESULT | WxStation_Create ([in]const BSTR StationName) |
HRESULT | WxStation_Delete ([in]const BSTR StationName) |
HRESULT | WxStation_SetLocation (const BSTR StationName, [in]double Latitude, [in]double Longitude, [in]double Elevation) |
HRESULT | WxStation_GetLocation (const BSTR StationName, [out]double *Latitude, [out]double *Longitude, [out]double *Elevation) |
HRESULT | WxStation_Number ([out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | WxStation_PutName ([in]int index, [in]const BSTR StationName) |
HRESULT | WxStation_GetName ([in]int index, [out, retval]BSTR *StationName) |
HRESULT | WxStation_GetIndex ([in]const BSTR StationName, [out, retval]int *index) |
HRESULT | WxStream_Create ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName, [in]const BSTR StartTime) |
HRESULT | WxStream_Import ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName, [in]const BSTR fileName) |
HRESULT | WxStream_Export ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName, [in]const BSTR fileName, [in]int flags) |
HRESULT | WxStream_Delete ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName) |
HRESULT | WxStream_Number ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in, out]int *NumOfStreams) |
HRESULT | WxStream_PutName ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]int index, [in]const BSTR StreamName) |
HRESULT | WxStream_GetName ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]int index, [out, retval]BSTR *StreamName) |
HRESULT | WxStream_GetIndex ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName, [out, retval]int *index) |
HRESULT | WxStream_GetStartTime ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName, [out, retval]BSTR *StartTime) |
HRESULT | WxStream_SetDoubleAttribute ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName, [in]unsigned short attribute_key, [in]double value) |
HRESULT | WxStream_GetDoubleAttribute ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName, [in]unsigned short attribute_key, [out, retval]double *value) |
HRESULT | WxStream_SetBooleanAttribute ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName, [in]unsigned short attribute_key, [in]VARIANT_BOOL value) |
HRESULT | WxStream_GetBooleanAttribute ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName, [in]unsigned short attribute_key, [out, retval]VARIANT_BOOL *value) |
HRESULT | WxStream_SetIntegerAttribute ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName, [in]unsigned short attribute_key, [in]int value) |
HRESULT | WxStream_GetIntegerAttribute ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName, [in]unsigned short attribute_key, [out, retval]int *value) |
HRESULT | WxStream_EditWeatherDaily ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName, [in]const BSTR Day, [in]double MinTemp, [in]double MaxTemp, [in]double MinWS, [in]double MaxWS, [in]double MinRH, [in]double Preci, [in]double WD) |
HRESULT | WxStream_EditWeatherHourly ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName, [in]const BSTR Day, [in]long Hour, [in]double Temp, [in]double RH, [in]double WS, [in]double Preci, [in]double WD) |
HRESULT | WxStream_AddWeatherDaily ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName, [in]double min_temp, [in]double max_temp, [in]double min_ws, [in]double max_ws, [in]double rh, [in]double precip, [in]double wd) |
HRESULT | WxStream_ClearAllWeatherData ([in]const BSTR StationName, [in]const BSTR StreamName) |
HRESULT | Vector_Create ([in]const BSTR VectorName, [in]SAFEARRAY(double) xy_pairs, int is_polygon) |
HRESULT | Vector_Import ([in]const BSTR VectorName, [in]const BSTR fileName) |
HRESULT | Vector_Export ([in]const BSTR VectorName, [in]const BSTR fileName) |
HRESULT | Vector_Delete ([in]const BSTR VectorName) |
HRESULT | Vector_Number ([out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | Vector_PutName ([in]int index, [in]const BSTR VectorName) |
HRESULT | Vector_GetName ([in]int index, [out, retval]BSTR *VectorName) |
HRESULT | Vector_GetIndex ([in]const BSTR VectorName, [out, retval]int *index) |
HRESULT | Vector_PutWidth ([in]const BSTR VectorName, [in]double width) |
HRESULT | Vector_GetWidth ([in]const BSTR VectorName, [out, retval]double *width) |
HRESULT | Filter_Delete ([in]const BSTR FilterName) |
HRESULT | Filter_Number ([out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | Filter_PutName ([in]int index, [in]const BSTR FilterName) |
HRESULT | Filter_GetName ([in]int index, [out, retval]BSTR *FilterName) |
HRESULT | Filter_GetType ([in]int index, [out, retval]BSTR *FilterName) |
HRESULT | Filter_GetIndex ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [out, retval]int *index) |
HRESULT | Filter_FuelGrid_Create ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR FileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_FuelGrid_Export ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR FileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_Greenup_Create ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR FileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_Greenup_Export ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR FileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_Greenup_Set ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]unsigned short X, [in]unsigned short Y, [in]int greenup_on) |
HRESULT | Filter_Greenup_Get ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]unsigned short X, [in]unsigned short Y, [out, retval]int *greenup_on) |
HRESULT | Filter_CBH_Create ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR FileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_CBH_Export ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR FileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_CBH_Set ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]unsigned short X, [in]unsigned short Y, [in]double cbh) |
HRESULT | Filter_CBH_Get ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]unsigned short X, [in]unsigned short Y, [out, retval]double *cbh) |
HRESULT | Filter_TreeHeight_Create ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR FileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_TreeHeight_Export ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR FileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_TreeHeight_Set ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]unsigned short X, [in]unsigned short Y, [in]double height) |
HRESULT | Filter_TreeHeight_Get ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]unsigned short X, [in]unsigned short Y, [out, retval]double *height) |
HRESULT | Filter_PC_Create ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR FileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_PC_Export ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR FileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_PC_Set ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]unsigned short X, [in]unsigned short Y, [in]int percent) |
HRESULT | Filter_PC_Get ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]unsigned short X, [in]unsigned short Y, [out, retval]int *percent) |
HRESULT | Filter_PDF_Create ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR FileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_PDF_Export ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR FileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_PDF_Set ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]unsigned short X, [in]unsigned short Y, [in]int percent) |
HRESULT | Filter_PDF_Get ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]unsigned short X, [in]unsigned short Y, [out, retval]int *percent) |
HRESULT | Filter_CureGrass_Create ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR FileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_CureGrass_Export ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR FileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_CureGrass_Set ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]unsigned short X, [in]unsigned short Y, [in]int percent) |
HRESULT | Filter_CureGrass_Get ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]unsigned short X, [in]unsigned short Y, [out, retval]int *percent) |
HRESULT | Filter_FuelLandscape_Create ([in]const BSTR FilterName) |
HRESULT | Filter_FuelPoly_Create ([in]const BSTR FilterName) |
HRESULT | Filter_Fuel_SetRelationship ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]unsigned short source_fuel_index, [in]unsigned short dest_fuel_index) |
HRESULT | Filter_Fuel_GetRelationship ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [out]unsigned short *source_fuel_index, [out]unsigned short *dest_fuel_index) |
HRESULT | Filter_FuelPoly_Count ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | Filter_FuelPoly_Clear ([in]const BSTR FilterName) |
HRESULT | Filter_FuelPoly_Size ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]int index, [out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | Filter_FuelPoly_MaxSize ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | Filter_FuelPoly_Set ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]SAFEARRAY(double) xy_pairs, [out]int *index) |
HRESULT | Filter_FuelPoly_Get ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]int index, [out]int *ignition_size, [out]SAFEARRAY(double)*xy_pairs) |
HRESULT | Filter_FuelPoly_Import ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR fileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_FuelPoly_Export ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR fileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_FuelPoly_Area ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [out, retval]double *area) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxPoly_Create ([in]const BSTR FilterName) |
HRESULT | Filter_Wx_SetTime ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR StartTime, [in]const BSTR EndTime) |
HRESULT | Filter_Wx_GetTime ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [out]BSTR *StartTime, [out]BSTR *EndTime) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxPoly_SetRule ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]int raw_input, [in]unsigned short operation, [in]double value) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxPoly_GetRule ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]int raw_input, [out]unsigned short *operation, [out]double *value) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxPoly_Count ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxPoly_Clear ([in]const BSTR FilterName) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxPoly_Size ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]int index, [out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxPoly_MaxSize ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [out, retval]int *count) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxPoly_Set ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]SAFEARRAY(double) xy_pairs, [out]int *index) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxPoly_Get ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]int index, [out]int *ignition_size, [in, out]SAFEARRAY(double)*xy_pairs) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxPoly_Import ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR fileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxPoly_Export ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR fileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxPoly_Area ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [out, retval]double *area) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWD_Create ([in]const BSTR FilterName) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWS_Create ([in]const BSTR FilterName) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscape_SetTimeSpan ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR StartTimeOfDay, [in]const BSTR EndTimeOfDay) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscape_GetTimeSpan ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [out]BSTR *StartTimeOfDay, [out]BSTR *EndTimeOfDay) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWD_Import ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const unsigned short sector, [in]const double speed, [in] const BSTR prj_file_name, [in]const BSTR grid_file_name) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWD_Export ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const unsigned short sector, [in]const double speed, [in] const BSTR prj_file_name, [in]const BSTR grid_file_name) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWD_SetSectorMode ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]int mode) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWD_GetSectorMode ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [out, retval]int *mode) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWD_Remove ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const unsigned short sector, [in]const double speed) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWD_GetCount ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const unsigned short sector, [out, retval]unsigned short *count) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWD_GetWindSpeeds ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const unsigned short sector, [out]unsigned short *count, [in, out]SAFEARRAY(double)*speed_array) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWD_GetFilenames ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const unsigned short sector, [out]SAFEARRAY(BSTR)*filenames) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWD_GetSectorCount ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [out, retval]unsigned short *count) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWD_GetSectorAngles ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const unsigned short sector, [out]double *min_angle, [out]double *max_angle) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWD_ModifySectors ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]SAFEARRAY(unsigned short) original_sector, [in]SAFEARRAY(double) original_speed, [in]SAFEARRAY(unsigned short) new_sector, [in]SAFEARRAY(double) new_speed) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWS_Import ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const unsigned short sector, [in]const double speed, [in] const BSTR prj_file_name, [in]const BSTR grid_file_name) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWS_Export ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const unsigned short sector, [in]const double speed, [in] const BSTR prj_file_name, [in]const BSTR grid_file_name) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWS_SetSectorMode ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]int mode) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWS_GetSectorMode ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [out, retval]int *mode) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWS_Remove ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const unsigned short sector, [in]const double speed) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWS_GetCount ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const unsigned short sector, [out, retval]unsigned short *count) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWS_GetWindSpeeds ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const unsigned short sector, [out]unsigned short *count, [in, out]SAFEARRAY(double)*speed_array) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWS_GetFilenames ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const unsigned short sector, [out]SAFEARRAY(BSTR)*filenames) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWS_GetSectorCount ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [out, retval]unsigned short *count) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWS_GetSectorAngles ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const unsigned short sector, [out]double *min_angle, [out]double *max_angle) |
HRESULT | Filter_WxLandscapeWS_ModifySectors ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]SAFEARRAY(unsigned short) original_sector, [in]SAFEARRAY(double) original_speed, [in]SAFEARRAY(unsigned short) new_sector, [in]SAFEARRAY(double) new_speed) |
HRESULT | Filter_TotalFuelLoad_Create ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR FileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_TotalFuelLoad_Export ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]const BSTR projFileName, [in]const BSTR FileName) |
HRESULT | Filter_TotalFuelLoad_Set ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]unsigned short X, [in]unsigned short Y, [in]double load) |
HRESULT | Filter_TotalFuelLoad_Get ([in]const BSTR FilterName, [in]unsigned short X, [in]unsigned short Y, [out, retval]double *load) |
Interface PromeApp.
The Prometheus COM combines all of the low-level COMs to provide a high-level procedural interface that is easier for programmers to learn, understand and use. The COM is intended to be used by agencies interested in developing their own Fire Growth Model with a different user interface, or integrating the Prometheus Fire Growth Model into other applications. Additionally, the Microsoft Interop technology now allows modern .Net applications to use the high-level COM interface.
IPromeApp::CreateGrid | ( | [in] unsigned short | xsize, |
[in] unsigned short | ysize, | ||
[in] double | latitude, | ||
[in] double | longitude, | ||
[in] double | xllcorner, | ||
[in] double | yllcorner, | ||
[in] double | resolution, | ||
[in] unsigned char | fuel_index | ||
) |
Creates a uniform xsize by ysize grid with xllcorner and yllcorner as the lower-left coordinate in world coordinate system. Currently all grids use the same projection and LUT information, and most of PrometheusCOM does not support the concept of multiple grids. Also, this function does not verify that the provided name for the new grid is unique (if multiple grids are to be continued to be supported).
xsize | X dimension of the grid. |
ysize | Y dimension of the grid. |
latitude | The latitude the grid is based at. |
longitude | The longitude the grid is based at. |
xllcorner | X-coordinate of the lower-left corner of the grid. |
yllcorner | Y-coordinate of the lower-left corner of the grid. |
resolution | Resolution of the grid (measured as number of metres per grid unit). |
fuel_index | Default fuel for the grid – it corresponds to a fuel index value used in the lookup table (if users are using the standard lookup table, the fuel_index should be the standard value for the corresponding fuel). |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_NOINTERFACE | Internal error. Please report this to the PrometheusCOM development team. |
ERROR_GRID_INITIALIZED | Attempting to set the same fuel map object twice. |
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZED | The grid object is not initialized |
E_INVALIDARG | The latitude/longitude used to set the world location are invalid, or if the arguments used to create the grid (e.g. xllcorner) are invalid. |
ERROR_FUELS_FUEL_UNKNOWN | The fuel referenced by fuel_index is unknown. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_RUNNING | Value cannot be changed as it is being used by a currently running scenario. |
TRUE | Operation succeeded. |
IPromeApp::CreateNewFuelFrom | ( | [in] const BSTR | OldFuelName, |
[in] const BSTR | NewFuelName, | ||
[out] int * | fuel_index | ||
) |
Creates a new fuel type from an old fueltype. The COM first tries to locate a match via the FBP fuel name (from the LUT file), then the agency name, then will finally try to find a first "close match" to copy from. The new fuel name is assigned as the new fuels FBP name. The new fuel is assigned the same import and export indices. This function requires modification, because it does not verify that the provided name for the new fuel is unique.
OldFuelName | Name of the fuel to copy from. |
NewFuelName | Unique FBP name of the newly created fuel. |
fuel_index | The index of the new fuel if the function is successful, otherwise the value will be set to 0. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_NOINTERFACE | Internal error. Please report this to the PrometheusCOM development team. |
ERROR_FUELS_FILEINDEX_ALREADY_ASSIGNED | The fuel to add has assigned a non-unique file identifier that is not -1. |
SUCCESS_FUELS_FUEL_ALREADY_ADDED | The fuel to be added is already in the FuelMap; a particular fuel can occur in a FuelMap more than once. |
ERROR_FUELS_FUEL_UNKNOWN | There is no fuel with that name. |
ERROR_FUELS_FUEL_KNOWN | The name for the new fuel is not unique. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_ERROR | Failure to actually create the new fuel, even though other tests say it should be able to be created. |
IPromeApp::CreateNewFuelFromIndex | ( | [in] int | source_input_index, |
[in] const BSTR | NewFuelName, | ||
[out] int * | NewFuelIndex | ||
) |
This function is similar to the CreateNewFuelFrom function. The difference is this function requires an index to specify the source fuel to create new fuel from. If successfully executed, the fuel_index will contain the index for the new fuel, otherwise, fuel_index should be 0.
source_input_index | Index of the source fuel. |
NewFuelName | Unique FBP name of the newly created fuel. |
NewFuelIndex | The index of the new fuel if the function is successful, otherwise the value will be set to 0. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_FUELS_FUEL_UNKNOWN | The fuel referenced by fuel_index is unknown. |
ERROR_FUELS_FUEL_KNOWN | The name for the new fuel is not unique. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_ERROR | Failure to actually create the new fuel, even though other tests say it should be able to be created. |
IPromeApp::DeleteFuel | ( | [in] const BSTR | FuelName | ) |
This function will delete a given fuel type from the set of fuels.
FuelName | Name of fuel type to delete |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_FUELS_FUEL_USED | Cannot delete a fuel which is in use (by a grid or patch) |
ERROR_FUELS_FUEL_UNKNOWN | The fuel referenced by fuel_index is unknown. |
IPromeApp::ExportElevationSlopeAspect | ( | [in] const BSTR | projFileName, |
[in] const BSTR | elevationFile, | ||
[in] const BSTR | slopeFile, | ||
[in] const BSTR | aspectFile | ||
) |
Exports the project elevation, slope, or aspect file and the corresponding projection file.
projFileName | String identifying the name and path of the projection file. |
elevationFile | String identifying the name and path of elevation grid file. |
slopeFile | String identifying the name and path of the slope grid file. |
aspectFile | String identifying the name and path of the aspect grid file. |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED | Access denied. |
ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE | The handle has been invalidated, or closed. |
ERROR_FILE_EXISTS | The file exists. |
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | The parameter is incorrect. |
ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES | System error; current application has too many files open. |
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | The specified file could not be found. |
ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL | The disk is full. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZED | The grid is not initialized properly. |
IPromeApp::ExportFuelGrid | ( | [in] const BSTR | projFileName, |
[in] const BSTR | filename | ||
) |
Exports the project's default (original) fuel grid along with the corresponding projection file.
filename | Character string identifying the name and path of the export file. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path of the projection file. |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED | Access denied. |
ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE | The handle has been invalidated, or closed. |
ERROR_FILE_EXISTS | The file exists. |
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | The parameter is incorrect. |
ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES | System error; current application has too many files open. |
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | The specified file could not be found. |
ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL | The disk is full. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
IPromeApp::ExportFuelsLookup | ( | [in] const BSTR | fileName | ) |
Exports the fuel lookup table (LUT) being used in the COM model. This file is an ASCII text file and is compatible with Prometheus.
fileName | Character string identifying the name and path of the export file. |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::ExportScenarioFireFront | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] const BSTR | FileName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | StartTime, | ||
[in] const BSTR | EndTime, | ||
[in] int | only_active, | ||
[in] int | only_exterior, | ||
[in] int | combine_all, | ||
[in] const BSTR | perimeter_units, | ||
[in] const BSTR | area_units | ||
) |
Exports the fire front of the specified scenario. The scenario must contain at least one step's simulation data, otherwise this function will fail.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for a scenario. |
FileName | Character string identifying the name and path of the export file. |
StartTime | Start time for which to export at. Only displayable time steps will be output. Time should be of format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" |
EndTime | End time for which to export at. Only displayable time steps will be output. Time should be of format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" |
only_active | Option to export only active parts of the fire front. |
only_exterior | Option to export only exterior parts of the fire front. |
combine_all | Option to export all parts of the fire front. |
perimeter_units | Units for which to report the perimeter length of the fire(s) |
area_units | Units for which to report the area of the fire(s) |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error; or for an undetermined error in exporting |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | ScenarioName does not resolve to a known scenario. |
E_NOTIMPL | Method has not been implemented yet. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_FIRE_INVALID_TIME | The time specified is invalid. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_NO_DATA | There is no data. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | The scenario is in a bad state. |
IPromeApp::Filter_CBH_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | projFileName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | FileName | ||
) |
This method creates a new CBH (crown base height) grid which can be attached to any scenario. Only one CBH grid per scenario is currently allowed. This grid is an optional FBP input during simulations.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path to the projection file. |
FileName | Name of the file. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_KNOWN | There is already a grid filter with this name. |
IPromeApp::Filter_CBH_Export | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | projFileName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | FileName | ||
) |
Exports a CBH grid identified by name to the filename directed.
FileName | The path and filename to export to. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path for the projection file. |
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_CBH_Get | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] unsigned short | X, | ||
[in] unsigned short | Y, | ||
[out,retval] double * | cbh | ||
) |
Retrieves CBH given the grid's name, and the location within the grid.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
X | x coordinate, grid units |
Y | y coordinate, grid units |
cbh | CBH |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_CBH_Set | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] unsigned short | X, | ||
[in] unsigned short | Y, | ||
[in] double | cbh | ||
) |
Given the name, coordinates, sets the CBH.
FilterName | Unique identifier of the filter. |
X | x coordinate, grid units |
Y | y coordinate, grid units |
cbh | CBH (m). |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
IPromeApp::Filter_CureGrass_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | projFileName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | FileName | ||
) |
This method creates a new CBH (crown base height) grid which can be attached to any scenario. Only one CBH grid per scenario is currently allowed. This grid is an optional FBP input during simulations.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path to the projection file. |
FileName | Name of the file. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_KNOWN | There is already a grid filter with this name. |
IPromeApp::Filter_CureGrass_Export | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | projFileName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | FileName | ||
) |
Exports a grass curing percentage grid identified by name to the filename directed.
FileName | The path and filename to export to. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path for the projection file. |
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_CureGrass_Get | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] unsigned short | X, | ||
[in] unsigned short | Y, | ||
[out,retval] int * | percent | ||
) |
Retrieves the grass curing percentage, given the grid's name, and the location within the grid.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
X | x coordinate, grid units |
Y | y coordinate, grid units |
percent | Grass curing percentage |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_CureGrass_Set | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] unsigned short | X, | ||
[in] unsigned short | Y, | ||
[in] int | percent | ||
) |
Given the name, coordinates, sets the grass curing percentage.
FilterName | Unique identifier of the filter. |
X | x coordinate, grid units |
Y | y coordinate, grid units |
percent | Grass curing percentage. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
IPromeApp::Filter_Delete | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName | ) |
Deletes a filter identified by its name.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No grid filter by this name exists. |
IPromeApp::Filter_Fuel_GetRelationship | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[out] unsigned short * | source_fuel_index, | ||
[out] unsigned short * | dest_fuel_index | ||
) |
Retrieves the file import index of the source and destination fuels of a filter patch referenced by PatchName.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
source_fuel_index | Set to the file import index of the source fuel on successful return. In addition to fuel index values (0 - 254), valid values are:
dest_fuel_index | Set to the import index of the destination fuel on successful return. If dest_fuel_index is -1 indicates failure to identify the fuel patch. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
E_NOINTERFACE | No interface. |
IPromeApp::Filter_Fuel_SetRelationship | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] unsigned short | source_fuel_index, | ||
[in] unsigned short | dest_fuel_index | ||
) |
Sets the source fuel name and destination fuel name for a patch filter.
FilterName | Unique identifier of the filter. |
source_fuel_index | Source fuel index. In addition to fuel index values (0 - 254), valid values are:
dest_fuel_index | Destination fuel index, or -1 to replace no fuels in the area. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_FUELS_FUEL_UNKNOWN | No such fuel exists. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter with this name. |
IPromeApp::Filter_FuelGrid_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | projFileName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | FileName | ||
) |
This method creates a new fuel grid filter.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path to the projection file. |
FileName | Name of the file. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_KNOWN | There is already a grid filter with this name. |
IPromeApp::Filter_FuelGrid_Export | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | projFileName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | FileName | ||
) |
Exports a fuel grid filter identified by name to the filename directed.
FileName | The path and filename to export to. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path for the projection file. |
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_FuelLandscape_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName | ) |
This method creates a new fuel landscape grid filter.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SEVERITY | WARNING Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
IPromeApp::Filter_FuelPoly_Area | ( | [in] const BSTR | PatchName, |
[out,retval] double * | area | ||
) |
Calculates the area of the specified fuel patch and passes it into area.
PatchName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
area | Is set to the area upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No grid filter with this name exists. |
IPromeApp::Filter_FuelPoly_Clear | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName | ) |
Removes all polygons associated with this fuel patch.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No grid filter by this name exists. |
IPromeApp::Filter_FuelPoly_Count | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[out,retval] int * | count | ||
) |
Retrieve the number of fuel polygons within a project.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
count | Is set to the count number upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No grid filter with this name exists. |
IPromeApp::Filter_FuelPoly_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName | ) |
This method creates a new fuel polygon grid filter.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. Returns: |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_KNOWN | There is already a grid filter with this name. |
IPromeApp::Filter_FuelPoly_Export | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | fileName | ||
) |
Exports a fuel patch identified by name to the filename directed.
FileName | The path and filename to export to. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path for the projection file. |
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no filter with that name. |
IPromeApp::Filter_FuelPoly_Get | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] int | index, | ||
[out] int * | ignition_size, | ||
[out] SAFEARRAY(double)* | xy_pairs | ||
) |
Returns the polygon data defining the polygon fuel patch.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
index | Is set to the count number upon return. |
ignition_size | The size of the ignition. |
xy_pairs | 2D Array of coordinates |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No grid filter with this name exists. |
IPromeApp::Filter_FuelPoly_Import | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | fileName | ||
) |
This function attempts to import a fuel polygon patch from a file.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the fuel polygon patch. |
fileName | The file name and path of the file where the vector data is. The projection (and other) file(s) will be determined from the filename. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRID_FILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter with that name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZED | The grid is not initialized properly. |
S_FALSE | false. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | The specified file could not be found. |
ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES | System error; current application has too many files open. |
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED | Access denied. |
ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE | The handle has been invalidated, or closed. |
ERROR_FILE_EXISTS | The file exists. |
ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL | The disk is full. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::Filter_FuelPoly_MaxSize | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[out,retval] int * | count | ||
) |
Return the maximum size of a polygon given the name.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
count | Is set to the count number upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No grid filter with this name exists. |
IPromeApp::Filter_FuelPoly_Set | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] SAFEARRAY(double) | xy_pairs, | ||
[out] int * | index | ||
) |
Set the name, coordinates and index of a fuel polygon filter.
FilterName | Unique identifier of the filter. |
xy_pairs | 2D Array of coordinates |
index | Is set to the filter's index upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter with this name. |
IPromeApp::Filter_FuelPoly_Size | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] int | index, | ||
[out,retval] int * | count | ||
) |
Return the size of a polygon given the name and index of it.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
count | Is set to the count number upon return. |
index | Index of the fuel polygon filter. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No grid filter with this name exists. |
IPromeApp::Filter_GetIndex | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[out, retval] int * | index | ||
) |
Retrieves the index of a filter given the name.
index | Set to the index upon return. |
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_GetName | ( | [in] int | index, |
[out, retval] BSTR * | FilterName | ||
) |
Retrieves the name of a filter given its index.
index | Index of a filter. |
FilterName | Is set to the filter name upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_GetType | ( | [in] int | index, |
[out, retval] BSTR * | FilterName | ||
) |
Retrieves the name of a filter given the index.
index | Index of a filter. |
FilterName | Name of the filter's type (returned). |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_Greenup_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | projFileName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | FileName | ||
) |
This method creates and loads a new green-up grid which can be attached to any scenario. Only one green-up grid per scenario is currently allowed. This grid is an optional FBP input during simulations.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path to the projection file. |
FileName | Name of the file. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_KNOWN | There is already a grid filter with this name. |
IPromeApp::Filter_Greenup_Export | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | projFileName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | FileName | ||
) |
Exports a green-up grid identified by name to the filename directed.
FileName | The path and filename to export to. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path for the projection file. |
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_Greenup_Get | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] unsigned short | X, | ||
[in] unsigned short | Y, | ||
[out,retval] int * | green_up_on | ||
) |
Retrieves a green up state given the grid's name and the location within the grid.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
X | An x coordinate |
Y | A y coordinate |
green_up_on | Whether green-up is applied or not. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_Greenup_Set | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] unsigned short | X, | ||
[in] unsigned short | Y, | ||
[in] int | greenup_on | ||
) |
Given the name, coordinates, sets whether or not green-up is on.
FilterName | Unique identifier of the filter. |
X | x coordinate, grid units |
Y | y coordinate, grid units |
greenup_on | Whether the green-up grid applies. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
IPromeApp::Filter_Number | ( | [out, retval] int * | count | ) |
Retrieves the number of filters in a project.
count | Sets this to the number of filters upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_PC_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | projFileName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | FileName | ||
) |
This method creates a new CBH (crown base height) grid which can be attached to any scenario. Only one CBH grid per scenario is currently allowed. This grid is an optional FBP input during simulations.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path to the projection file. |
FileName | Name of the file. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_KNOWN | There is already a grid filter with this name. |
IPromeApp::Filter_PC_Export | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | projFileName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | FileName | ||
) |
Exports a percentage conifer grid identified by name to the filename directed.
FileName | The path and filename to export to. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path for the projection file. |
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_PC_Get | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] unsigned short | X, | ||
[in] unsigned short | Y, | ||
[out,retval] int * | percent | ||
) |
Retrieves PC given the grid's name, and the location within the grid.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
X | x coordinate, grid units |
Y | y coordinate, grid units |
percent | Percentage Conifer |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_PC_Set | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] unsigned short | X, | ||
[in] unsigned short | Y, | ||
[in] int | percent | ||
) |
Given the name, coordinates, sets the percentage conifer.
FilterName | Unique identifier of the filter. |
X | x coordinate, grid units |
Y | y coordinate, grid units |
percent | Percentage conifer. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
IPromeApp::Filter_PDF_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | projFileName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | FileName | ||
) |
This method creates a new CBH (crown base height) grid which can be attached to any scenario. Only one CBH grid per scenario is currently allowed. This grid is an optional FBP input during simulations.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path to the projection file. |
FileName | Name of the file. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_KNOWN | There is already a grid filter with this name. |
IPromeApp::Filter_PDF_Export | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | projFileName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | FileName | ||
) |
Exports a percentage dead fir grid identified by name to the filename directed.
FileName | The path and filename to export to. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path for the projection file. |
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_PDF_Get | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] unsigned short | X, | ||
[in] unsigned short | Y, | ||
[out,retval] int * | percent | ||
) |
Retrieves CBH given the grid's name, and the location within the grid.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
X | x coordinate, grid units |
Y | y coordinate, grid units |
percent | Percentage Dead Fir |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_PDF_Set | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] unsigned short | X, | ||
[in] unsigned short | Y, | ||
[in] int | percent | ||
) |
Given the name, coordinates, sets the percentage dead fir.
FilterName | Unique identifier of the filter. |
X | x coordinate, grid units |
Y | y coordinate, grid units |
percent | Percentage dead fir. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
IPromeApp::Filter_PutName | ( | [in] int | index, |
[in] const BSTR | FilterName | ||
) |
Set the name of the filter at the index specified.
index | Index of the filter. |
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_KNOWN | There already exists a filter with this name. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
IPromeApp::Filter_TotalFuelLoad_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | projFileName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | FileName | ||
) |
This method creates a new total fuel load grid which can be attached to any scenario. Only one total fuel load grid per scenario is currently allowed. This grid is an optional input during simulations.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path to the projection file. |
FileName | Name of the file. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_KNOWN | There is already a grid filter with this name. |
IPromeApp::Filter_TotalFuelLoad_Export | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | projFileName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | FileName | ||
) |
Exports a total fuel load grid identified by name to the filename directed.
FileName | The path and filename to export to. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path for the projection file. |
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_TotalFuelLoad_Get | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] unsigned short | X, | ||
[in] unsigned short | Y, | ||
[out,retval] double * | height | ||
) |
Retrieves total fuel load given the grid's name, and the location within the grid.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
X | x coordinate, grid units |
Y | y coordinate, grid units |
height | Tree height |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_TotalFuelLoad_Set | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] unsigned short | X, | ||
[in] unsigned short | Y, | ||
[in] double | load | ||
) |
Given the name, coordinates, sets the total fuel load.
FilterName | Unique identifier of the filter. |
X | x coordinate, grid units |
Y | y coordinate, grid units |
height | Tree height (m). |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
IPromeApp::Filter_TreeHeight_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | projFileName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | FileName | ||
) |
This method creates a new tree height grid which can be attached to any scenario. Only one tree height grid per scenario is currently allowed. This grid is an optional input during simulations, and affects breaching logic.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path to the projection file. |
FileName | Name of the file. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_KNOWN | There is already a grid filter with this name. |
IPromeApp::Filter_TreeHeight_Export | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | projFileName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | FileName | ||
) |
Exports a tree height grid identified by name to the filename directed.
FileName | The path and filename to export to. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path for the projection file. |
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_TreeHeight_Get | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] unsigned short | X, | ||
[in] unsigned short | Y, | ||
[out,retval] double * | height | ||
) |
Retrieves tree height given the grid's name, and the location within the grid.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
X | x coordinate, grid units |
Y | y coordinate, grid units |
height | Tree height |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_TreeHeight_Set | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] unsigned short | X, | ||
[in] unsigned short | Y, | ||
[in] double | height | ||
) |
Given the name, coordinates, sets the tree height.
FilterName | Unique identifier of the filter. |
X | x coordinate, grid units |
Y | y coordinate, grid units |
height | Tree height (m). |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter at this index. |
IPromeApp::Filter_Wx_GetTime | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[out] BSTR * | StartTime, | ||
[out] BSTR * | EndTime | ||
) |
Retrieve the start and end time for a specified weather polygon patch.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
StartTime | Is set to the start time upon return. |
EndTime | Is set to the end time upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No grid filter with this name exists. |
IPromeApp::Filter_Wx_SetTime | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | StartTime, | ||
[in] const BSTR | EndTime | ||
) |
Set the start and end times of the weather patch identified by filter name.
FilterName | Unique identifier of the filter. |
StartTime | The starting time. Time should be of format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" |
EndTime | The ending time. Time should be of format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_INVALIDARG | The start or end time format is incorrect. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
NO_INTERFACE | No interface. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscape_GetTimeSpan | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[out] BSTR * | StartTimeOfDay, | ||
[out] BSTR * | EndTimeOfDay | ||
) |
Retrieves the diurnal application time span of the landscape (wind speed or direction) weather filter identified by the filter name.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
StartTimeOfDay | The starting time of day. |
EndTimeOfDay | The ending time of day. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscape_SetTimeSpan | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | StartTimeOfDay, | ||
[in] const BSTR | EndTimeOfDay | ||
) |
Sets the diurnal application time span of the landscape (wind speed or direction) weather filter identified by the filter name.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
StartTimeOfDay | The starting time of day. Time should be of format "HH:MM:SS" |
EndTimeOfDay | The ending time of day. Time should be of format "HH:MM:SS" |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid.The start or end time of day format is incorrect. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWD_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName | ) |
This method creates a new directional weather grid from a file.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_KNOWN | There is already a grid filter with this name. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWD_Export | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const unsigned short | sector, | ||
[in] const double | speed, | ||
[in] const BSTR | prj_file_name, | ||
[in] const BSTR | grid_file_name | ||
) |
Exports a Wind Direction Grid from a specific sector, for a specific speed, in the wind direction filter identified by the filter name. Specification of the output projection file name is optional.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
sector | Sector value. If sector is (unsigned short) -1, then the file is loaded into the default sector. |
speed | Value for wind speed. |
prj_file_name | Projecton file name. |
grid_file_name | Grid file name. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWD_GetCount | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const unsigned short | sector, | ||
[out, retval] unsigned short * | count | ||
) |
This function gets the total number of grid files loaded into the identified sector in a wind direction landscape weather filter identified by the filter name.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
sector | Sector of the specified landscape weather filter. |
count | Number of sectors. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWD_GetFilenames | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const unsigned short | sector, | ||
[out] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* | filenames | ||
) |
This function returns an array of filenames for specified wind direction sector, for the identified filter.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter |
sector | Sector of the specified landscape weather filter. |
filenames | File names of files with data associated to a sector |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWD_GetSectorAngles | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const unsigned short | sector, | ||
[out] double * | min_angle, | ||
[out] double * | max_angle | ||
) |
This function gets the minimum and maximum angles of a specific sector in a landscape weather filter identified by the filter name.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter |
sector | Sector of the specified landscape weather filter. |
min_angle | Minimum angle of a sector. |
max_angle | Maximum angle of a sector. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWD_GetSectorCount | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[out, retval] unsigned short * | count | ||
) |
This function gets the number of sectors in a wind direction landscape weather filter identified by the filter name.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter |
count | Number of sectors |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWD_GetSectorMode | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[out, retval] int * | mode | ||
) |
This function retrieves the sector mode of the identified landscape weather filter.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
mode | Sector mode value of the landscape weather filter. If 0, then this filter defaults to only interpretting the loaded default sector grid file. If 1, then this filter will interpret up to 8 sector grid files in each direction. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWD_GetWindSpeeds | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const unsigned short | sector, | ||
[out] unsigned short * | count, | ||
[in,out] SAFEARRAY(double)* | speed_array | ||
) |
This function returns the wind-speed information for all grids loaded into the specified sector of a wind direction landscape weather filter identified by the filter name.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter |
sector | Sector of the specified landscape weather filter. |
count | Number of entries put into the array |
speed_array | 1-D array used to hold the speed values. Must be initialized and large enough to hold all entries (see Filter_WxLandscapeWD_GetCount). |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWD_Import | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const unsigned short | sector, | ||
[in] const double | speed, | ||
[in] const BSTR | prj_file_name, | ||
[in] const BSTR | grid_file_name | ||
) |
Imports a Wind Direction Grid to a specific sector and assigned applicable speed ranges, for the wind direction filter identified by the filter name. If the import projection file is unspecified, then it is assumed to match the projection for the associated main projection file for the project.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
sector | Sector of the specified landscape weather filter. |
speed | Wind speed for which this grid was generated. |
prj_file_name | Projection file name. |
grid_file_name | Grid file name. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWD_Remove | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const unsigned short | sector, | ||
[in] const double | speed | ||
) |
This function removes a sector from a wind-direction landscape weather filter identified by a filter name.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
sector | Sector of the specified landscape weather filter. |
speed | Value for wind speed. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWD_SetSectorMode | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] int | mode | ||
) |
This function sets sector mode of the landscape weather filter identified by filter name.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
mode | Sector mode value of the landscape weather filter. If 0, then this filter defaults to only interpretting the loaded default sector grid file. If 1, then this filter will interpret up to 8 sector grid files in each direction. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWS_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName | ) |
This method creates a new weather speed grid from a file.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_KNOWN | There is already a grid filter with this name. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWS_Export | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const unsigned short | sector, | ||
[in] const double | speed, | ||
[in] const BSTR | prj_file_name, | ||
[in] const BSTR | grid_file_name | ||
) |
Exports a Wind Speed Grid from a specific sector, for a specific speed, in the wind speed filter identified by the filter name. Specification of the output projection file name is optional.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
sector | Sector value. If sector is (unsigned short) -1, then the file is loaded into the default sector. |
speed | Value for wind speed. |
prj_file_name | Projecton file name. |
grid_file_name | Grid file name. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWS_GetCount | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const unsigned short | sector, | ||
[out, retval] unsigned short * | count | ||
) |
This function gets the total number of grid files loaded into the identified sector in a wind-speed landscape weather filter identified by the filter name.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
sector | Sector of the specified landscape weather filter. |
count | Number of sectors. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWS_GetFilenames | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const unsigned short | sector, | ||
[out] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* | filenames | ||
) |
This function returns an array of filenames for specified wind speed sector, for the identified filter.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter |
sector | Sector of the specified landscape weather filter. |
filenames | File names of files with data associated to a sector |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWS_GetSectorAngles | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const unsigned short | sector, | ||
[out] double * | min_angle, | ||
[out] double * | max_angle | ||
) |
This function gets the minimum and maximum angles of a specific sector in a landscape weather filter identified by the filter name.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter |
sector | Sector of the specified landscape weather filter. |
min_angle | Minimum angle of a sector. |
max_angle | Maximum angle of a sector. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWS_GetSectorCount | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[out, retval] unsigned short * | count | ||
) |
This function gets the number of sectors in a wind-speed landscape weather filter identified by the filter name.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter |
count | Number of sectors |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWS_GetSectorMode | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[out, retval] int * | mode | ||
) |
This function retrieves the sector mode of the identified landscape weather filter.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
mode | Sector mode value of the landscape weather filter. If 0, then this filter defaults to only interpretting the loaded default sector grid file. If 1, then this filter will interpret up to 8 sector grid files in each direction. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWS_GetWindSpeeds | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const unsigned short | sector, | ||
[out] unsigned short * | count, | ||
[in,out] SAFEARRAY(double)* | speed_array | ||
) |
This function returns the wind-speed information for all grids loaded into the specified sector of a wind-speed landscape weather filter identified by the filter name.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter |
sector | Sector of the specified landscape weather filter. |
count | Number of entries put into the array |
speed_array | 1-D array used to hold the speed values. Must be initialized and large enough to hold all entries (see Filter_WxLandscapeWS_GetCount). |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWS_Import | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const unsigned short | sector, | ||
[in] const double | speed, | ||
[in] const BSTR | prj_file_name, | ||
[in] const BSTR | grid_file_name | ||
) |
Imports Wind Speed Grid to a specific sector and assigned applicable speed ranges, for the wind speed filter identified by the filter name. If the import projection file is unspecified, then it is assumed to match the projection for the associated main projection file for the project.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
sector | Sector of the specified landscape weather filter. |
speed | Wind speed for which this grid was generated. |
prj_file_name | Projection file name. |
grid_file_name | Grid file name. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. Wind speed values are limited to 250kph. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWS_Remove | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const unsigned short | sector, | ||
[in] const double | speed | ||
) |
This function removes a sector from a wind-speed landscape weather filter identified by a filter name.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
sector | Sector of the specified landscape weather filter. |
speed | Value for wind speed. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxLandscapeWS_SetSectorMode | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] int | mode | ||
) |
This function sets sector mode of the landscape weather filter identified by filter name.
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
mode | Sector mode value of the landscape weather filter. If 0, then this filter defaults to only interpretting the loaded default sector grid file. If 1, then this filter will interpret up to 8 sector grid files in each direction. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | At least one of the arguments provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxPoly_Area | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[out,retval] double * | area | ||
) |
Calculates the area of the specified patch and passes the value to area.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
area | Is set to the area upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No grid filter with this name exists. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxPoly_Clear | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName | ) |
Removes all polygons associated with this weather patch.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No grid filter by this name exists. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxPoly_Count | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[out,retval] int * | count | ||
) |
Retrieve the number of weather polygons in a project.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
count | Is set to the number of weather polygon patches upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No grid filter with this name exists. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxPoly_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName | ) |
This method creates a new polygon weather patch.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_KNOWN | There is already a grid filter with this name. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxPoly_Export | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | fileName | ||
) |
Exports a weather patch identified by name to the filename directed.
FileName | The path and filename to export to. |
projFileName | String identifying the name and path for the projection file. |
FilterName | Uniquely identifies the filter. |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no filter with that name. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxPoly_Get | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] int | index, | ||
[out] int * | ignition_size, | ||
[in, out] SAFEARRAY(double)* | xy_pairs | ||
) |
Given a weather polygons name and index returns its size and coordinates.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
index | Unique index for the filter. |
ignition_size | Size of the polygon. |
xy_pairs | 2D Array of coordinates |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No grid filter with this name exists. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxPoly_GetRule | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] int | raw_input, | ||
[out] unsigned short * | operation, | ||
[out] double * | value | ||
) |
Retrieve the rules for the weather patch specified. The rules are whether or not speed and direction are being set to certain values.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
raw_input | Determines which raw weather input to modify:
operation | Type of operation to apply to the raw weather input. Not all operations are applicable to all inputs. Valid values are:
value | The value/operand of the operation. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No grid filter with this name exists. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxPoly_Import | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] const BSTR | fileName | ||
) |
This function attempts to import a weather polygon patch from a file.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the weather polygon patch. |
fileName | The file name and path of the file where the vector data is. The projection (and other) file(s) will be determined from the filename. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRID_FILTER_UNKNOWN | There is no grid filter with that name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZED | The grid is not initialized properly. |
S_FALSE | false. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | The specified file could not be found. |
ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES | System error; current application has too many files open. |
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED | Access denied. |
ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE | The handle has been invalidated, or closed. |
ERROR_FILE_EXISTS | The file exists. |
ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL | The disk is full. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxPoly_MaxSize | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[out,retval] int * | count | ||
) |
Returns the maximum number of vertices of any polygon in this weather patch.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
count | The weather polygon patch count. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No grid filter with this name exists. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxPoly_Set | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] SAFEARRAY(double) | xy_pairs, | ||
[out] int * | index | ||
) |
Set the name, coordinates and index of a polygon weather filter.
FilterName | Unique identifier of the filter. |
xy_pairs | 2D Array of coordinates |
index | Is set to the index of the filter upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid argument. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxPoly_SetRule | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] int | raw_input, | ||
[in] unsigned short | operation, | ||
[in] double | value | ||
) |
Sets a weather polygon patch such that it will perform wind direction and/or wind speed changes and also sets the value for each.
FilterName | Unique identifier of the filter. |
raw_input | Determines which raw weather input to modify:
operation | Type of operation to apply to the raw weather input. Not all operations are applicable to all inputs. Valid values are:
value | The value/operand of the operation. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No weather patch with this name exists. |
IPromeApp::Filter_WxPoly_Size | ( | [in] const BSTR | FilterName, |
[in] int | index, | ||
[out,retval] int * | count | ||
) |
Returns the number of vertices of the polygon at 'index'.
FilterName | Unique identifier for the filter. |
count | The weather polygon patch count. |
index | Index of the weather polygon. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. |
ERROR_GRIDFILTER_UNKNOWN | No grid filter with this name exists. |
IPromeApp::GetArea | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[out,retval] double * | area | ||
) |
Retrieves the area (in square metres) covered by fire of scenario which is named as ScenarioName. This area includes all fires.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for a scenario. |
area | Set to the area on successful return (m2). |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error; or if there is a problem with any of the fires attached to this scenario (e.g., the pointer to any fire in the list being NULL) |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | ScenarioName does not resolve to a known scenario. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Nothing has been initialized yet. |
ERROR_FIRE_INVALID_TIME | If the time is invalid. |
ERROR_FIRE_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | This fire object is not attached to the scenario specified by the scenario parameter. |
SUCCESS_FIRE_NOT_STARTED | Fire not yet started (stats is set to 0). |
ERROR_FIRE_STAT_UNKNOWN | If stat does not resolve to a known statistic. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_POINT_NOT_IN_FIRE | The point is not in the fire area. |
E_FAIL | Unspecified failure. |
IPromeApp::GetAreaChange | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[out, retval] double * | areaChange | ||
) |
Retrieves the change of area (in square metres) covered by fire of scenario referenced by ScenarioName. This change of area includes all fires.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for a scenario. |
areaChange | Set to the change of area on successful return (m2). |
S_OK | Successful |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error; or if there is a problem with any of the fires attached to this scenario (e.g., the pointer to any fire in the list being NULL) |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | ScenarioName does not resolve to a known scenario. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Nothing has been initialized yet. |
ERROR_FIRE_INVALID_TIME | If the time is invalid. |
ERROR_FIRE_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | This fire object is not attached to the scenario specified by the scenario parameter. |
SUCCESS_FIRE_NOT_STARTED | Fire not yet started (stats is set to 0). |
ERROR_FIRE_STAT_UNKNOWN | If stat does not resolve to a known statistic. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_POINT_NOT_IN_FIRE | The point is not in the fire area. |
IPromeApp::GetBooleanAttribute | ( | [in] unsigned short | attribute_key, |
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * | value | ||
) |
Return the Boolean value of the attribute specified in the function call.
value | Set to the value of the key upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid arguments. |
IPromeApp::GetBurnedBox | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[out] int * | left, | ||
[out] int * | right, | ||
[out] int * | bottom, | ||
[out] int * | top | ||
) |
Retrieves the rectangular area encompassing all burned areas of all fires at a specific time during a specific the simulation. If no fires have started burning yet, then return values are all set to -1.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for a scenario. |
left | Set to the left bound of the rectangle on successful return (grid coordinate units). |
right | Set to the right bound of the rectangle on successful return (grid coordinate units). |
bottom | Set to the bottom bound of the rectangle on successful return (grid coordinate units). |
top | Set to the top bound of the rectangle on successful return (grid coordinate units). |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | ScenarioName does not resolve to a known scenario. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | If the function is run while a scenario is running. |
SUCCESS_FIRE_NOT_STARTED | Either no fires or the request predates the start time of the simulation. |
IPromeApp::GetDoubleAttribute | ( | [in] unsigned short | attribute_key, |
[out, retval] double * | value | ||
) |
Return the double value of the attribute specified in the function call.
value | Set to the value of the key upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
IPromeApp::GetFuelDoubleAttribute | ( | [in] int | fuel_index, |
[in] unsigned short | attribute_key, | ||
[out, retval] double * | value | ||
) |
Return the double value of the fuel attribute specified in the function call.
fuel_index | |
attribute_key | Valid keys are:
value | Set to the value of the key upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_FUELS_FUEL_UNKNOWN | There is no fuel with this index. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_RUNNING | Action cannot be performed while running the scenario. |
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZED | Grid object not initialized. |
ERROR_GRID_LOCATION_OUT_OF_RANGE | Point specified is out of grid range. |
ERROR_GRID_NO_DATA | No data at point specified. |
E_UNEXPECTED | An unexpected error occurred. |
IPromeApp::GetFuelIndexByName | ( | [in] const BSTR | FuelName, |
[out] unsigned char * | lut_index | ||
) |
Returns the fuel import index based on the fuel based on FuelName in the "FBP fuel type" column in the lookup table. If more than one import index is associated with the given fuel, then the first import index is returned.
FuelName | Unique identifier for a fuel. |
lut_index | Set to the internal LUT fuel index on successful return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_FUELS_FUEL_UNKNOWN | FuelName does not resolve to a known fuel. |
IPromeApp::GetFuelNameByIndex | ( | [in] int | input_fuel_index, |
[out] BSTR * | FuelName | ||
) |
This function returns the name of a fuel based on its index (fuel_index). Please note that the caller has to free the memory returned via "FuelName" after use.
input_fuel_index | Unique identifier for a fuel. |
FuelName | Set to the fuel name on successful return. |
S_OK | Successful |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_FUELS_FUEL_UNKNOWN | 'fuel_index' does not resolve to a known fuel. |
IPromeApp::GetGridDimension | ( | [out] unsigned short * | xDim, |
[out] unsigned short * | yDim | ||
) |
Returns the X and Y dimensions of the grid referenced by gridName. Currently all grids use the same projection and LUT information, and most of PrometheusCOM does not support the concept of multiple grids.
xDim | Set to the x dimension on successful return (grid coordinate units). |
yDim | Set to the y dimension on successful return (grid coordinate units). |
S_OK | Successful |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::GetGridLLCLocation | ( | [out] double * | lat, |
[out] double * | lon | ||
) |
Returns the location on the planet for the grid. Currently all grids use the same projection and LUT information, and most of PrometheusCOM does not support the concept of multiple grids.
lat | Set to the latitude on successful return (degrees). |
lon | Set to the longitude on successful return (degrees). |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::GetGridValue | ( | [in] unsigned short | X, |
[in] unsigned short | Y, | ||
[out] int * | fuel_index | ||
) |
Retrieves the fuel import index from the grid at the coordinate specified by X/Y.
X | x coordinate, grid units |
Y | y coordinate, grid units |
fuel_index | Set to the fuel index on successful return – this value will correspond to one on the fuel lookup table. If fuel_index is -1, then there is no data at the specified coordinate. |
S_OK | Successful |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZED | The grid object associated with GridName is not properly initialized. |
ERROR_GRID_LOCATION_OUT_OF_RANGE | The x/y coordinates passed in are out of range. |
ERROR_FUELS_FUEL_UNKNOWN | There is no valid fuel index associated with the x/y coordinate. |
IPromeApp::GetIndexVertex | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] long | index, | ||
[in,out] double * | X, | ||
[in,out] double * | Y | ||
) |
Given a scenario identifier and an index, retrieves the coordinates of a specific point/vertex. X and Y will be set to these coordinates on successful return. This function returns the coordinates in the grid cell units. If users need the distance to the LLC corner, they can multiply X and Y by the resolution (using the GetResolution fuction) to get the distance. The distance is measured in meters. Note that (-1, -1) is a special vertex used for separating vertices produced by different fire ignitions or time steps in the simulation. Note that this function replaces several old functions (GetFirstVertice, GetNextVertice, GetLastVertice, GetPreviousVertice, GetFirstVerticeActive, GetNextVerticeActive, GetPreviousVerticeActive, GetLastVerticeActive and GetIndexVerticeActive). The current implementation of this function (and structures supporting it) significantly increases the memory overhead and operating inefficiencies associated with any PrometheusCOM application and therefore requires modification.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for a scenario. |
index | Index of the point to retrieve. |
X | X coordinate on successful return (grid coordinate units). |
Y | Y coordinate on successful return (grid coordinate units). |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | ScenarioID does not resolve to a known scenario |
IPromeApp::GetIntegerAttribute | ( | [in] unsigned short | attribute_key, |
[out, retval] int * | value | ||
) |
Return the integer value of the attribute specified in the function call.
attribute_key | Valid keys are:
value | Set to the value of the key upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
IPromeApp::GetLLCOffset | ( | [out] double * | xllcorner, |
[out] double * | yllcorner | ||
) |
Gets the offsets of the lower lefthand corner of any grid (since multiple grids share the same projection). These values are retrieved from the original projection file used when importing the grid layers.
xllcorner | Set to the x-offset on successful return. |
yllcorner | Set to the y-offset on successful return. |
S_OK | Successful |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZED | The Grid object is not properly initialized. |
S_FALSE | If asking for offset values where the appropriate array has not been initialized. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
E_INVALIDARG | The attribute/option index was invalid/unknown for this object. |
ERROR_GRID_LOCATION_OUT_OF_RANGE | The location is outside the grid. |
ERROR_GRID_NO_DATA | The point is in a no data area. |
E_UNEXPECTED | Internal error. Please contact the software development team. |
IPromeApp::GetNumOfNewVertices | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[out,retval] long * | ResultNum | ||
) |
Retrieves the number of the latest vertices produced by the last step. This value includes the marker vertices separating outputs from different ignitions. Note: this replaces the depreciated GetNumOfNewVerticesActive function.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for a scenario. |
ResultNum | Set to the number of vertices on successful return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | ScenarioID does not resolve to a known scenario. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::GetNumOfVertices | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[out, retval] long * | Num | ||
) |
Retrieves the number of the vertices produced by the simulation for all simulation display steps for all fires. This includes active and inactive vertices, plus marker points to separate the fire fronts (from different ignitions or times). Note: this replaces the depreciated GetNumOfVerticesActive function.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for a scenario. |
Num | Set to the number of vertices on successful return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | ScenarioID does not resolve to a known scenario. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::GetStringAttribute | ( | [in] unsigned short | attribute_key, |
[out, retval] BSTR * | value | ||
) |
Return the textual string value of the attribute specified in the function call.
attribute_key | Valid keys are:
value | Set to the value of the key upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
IPromeApp::GetXYParameters | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] double | X, | ||
[in] double | Y, | ||
[in] unsigned short | interp_method, | ||
[out] double * | ros, | ||
[out] double * | fi, | ||
[out] double * | raz, | ||
[out] double * | sfc, | ||
[out] double * | cfb, | ||
[out] double * | cfc, | ||
[out] double * | tfc | ||
) |
Retrieves specific statistics for the location at (X, Y) a specific simulation. The current time of the simulation is used for calculating these values. Passing NULL to any of the statistics parameters that are not needed by the client program will suppress unnecessary computations, and will thus result in a performance gain.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for a scenario. |
X | x coordinate, grid units |
Y | y coordinate, grid units |
interp_method | How to calculate/determine the value of the statistic requested
ros | returned FBP rate of spread statistic |
fi | returned FBP fire intensity statistic |
raz | returned FBP RAZ (direction) statistic |
sfc | returned FBP surface fuel consumption statistic |
cfb | returned crown fraction burned statistic |
cfc | returned crown fuel consumption statistic |
tfc | returned total fuel consumption statistic |
S_OK | Successful |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | ScenarioName does not resolve to a known scenario. |
ERROR_POINT_NOT_IN_FIRE | The x/y parameter passed in is not in a valid region (has not yet been burned). |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Nothing has been initialized yet. |
ERROR_FIRE_INVALID_TIME | If the time is invalid. |
ERROR_FIRE_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | This fire object is not attached to the scenario specified by the scenario parameter. |
SUCCESS_FIRE_NOT_STARTED | Fire not yet started (stats is set to 0). |
ERROR_FIRE_STAT_UNKNOWN | If stat does not resolve to a known statistic. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | If the function is run without a running scenario. |
ERROR_GRID_UINITIALIZED | The grid is not initialized properly. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_NO_FIRES | There are no ignitions in the scenario. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMES | The scenario has invalid times. |
ERROR_GRID_WEATHER_INVALID_DATES | The scenario has an invalid weather grid dates. |
ERROR_GRID_WEATHER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | Internal error. Please contact the software development team. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_NOT_ASSIGNED | The scenario does not have a weather stream assigned. |
ERROR_GRID_PRIMARY_STREAM_UNSPECIFIED | The scenario does not have a primary weather stream assigned. |
ERROR_GRID_WEATHERSTATIONS_TOO_CLOSE | The weather stations used are too close. |
ERROR_GRID_WEATHERSTREAM_TIME_OVERLAPS | The weather streams used overlap and are from the same station. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_OPTION_INVALID | Internal error. Please contact the software development team. |
IPromeApp::Ignition_Clear | ( | [in] const BSTR | IgnitionName | ) |
Clears an ignition with multiple points.
IgnitionName | Unique identifier for the ignition point. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | There is no fire with this name. |
IPromeApp::Ignition_Count | ( | [in] const BSTR | IgnitionName, |
[out,retval] int * | count | ||
) |
Returns the number of ignitions within a project.
IgnitionName | Unique identifier for the ignition point. |
count | Set to the number of ignitions within a project. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | There is no fire with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Ignition_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | IgnitionName | ) |
Creates a new, empty ignition object, given a name. Note that the name should be unique among existing fire ignitions.
IgnitionName | Unique identifier for the new ignition point. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_ALREADY_ADDED | An ignition with this name has already exists. |
IPromeApp::Ignition_Delete | ( | [in] const BSTR | IgnitionName | ) |
Deletes the ignition denoted by IgntionName and removes it from all related scenarios.
IgnitionName | Unique identifier for an ignition. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error; or if there is a problem with the scenario indexing. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | The ignition of that name does not exist. |
IPromeApp::Ignition_Export | ( | [in] const BSTR | IgnitionName, |
[in] const BSTR | fileName | ||
) |
Exports an ignition object identified by its name to the specified filename.
IgnitionName | Uniquely identifies the ignition. |
fileName | The path and filename to export to. |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | There is no ignition with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
IPromeApp::Ignition_Get | ( | [in] const BSTR | IgnitionName, |
[in] int | index, | ||
[out] unsigned short * | ignition_type, | ||
[out] int * | ignition_size, | ||
[out] SAFEARRAY(double)* | xy_pairs | ||
) |
Gives information regarding the ignition such as the type, size and location.
IgnitionName | Unique identifier for the ignition point. |
index | Index of the ignition. |
ignition_type | The ignition type. Valid values are:
ignition_size | The ignition size. |
xy_pairs | 2D Array of coordinates |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | There is no fire with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Ignition_GetIndex | ( | [in] const BSTR | IgnitionName, |
[out, retval] int * | index | ||
) |
Given an ignition name, gives the ignition's index.
IgnitionName | Uniquely identifies the ignition. |
index | Set to the index of the ignition upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | There is no fire with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Ignition_GetName | ( | [in] int | index, |
[out, retval] BSTR * | IgnitionName | ||
) |
Given an ignition index, gives the ignition's name.
index | Index of the ignition. |
IgnitionName | Set to the name of the ignition upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | There is no fire with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Ignition_GetTime | ( | [in] const BSTR | IgnitionName, |
[out,retval] BSTR * | StartTime | ||
) |
Given an ignition name returns the start time.
IgnitionName | Unique identifier for the ignition point. |
StartTime | Set to the start time of the ignition point upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | There is no fire with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Ignition_Import | ( | [in] const BSTR | IgnitionName, |
[in] const BSTR | filename | ||
) |
Import an ignition from the given file path and filename. A variety of file formats are now supported. Please refer to the Prometheus User Manual and Prometheus I/O Standard Document for this file format specification.
IgnitionName | Unique identifier for the new ignition. |
filename | The file name and path to a file containing the ignition data. The projection (and other) file(s) will be determined from the filename. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | The ignition does not exist. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | The specified file cannot be found. |
ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES | System error; current application has too many files open. |
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED | Access denied. |
ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE | The handle has been invalidated, or closed. |
ERROR_FILE_EXISTS | The file exists. |
ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL | The disk is full. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::Ignition_MaxSize | ( | [in] const BSTR | IgnitionName, |
[out,retval] int * | count | ||
) |
Gives the number of points that make up the sub-ignition with the largest amount of points within a single ignition file.
IgnitionName | Unique identifier for the ignition point. |
count | Set to the ignition number upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | There is no fire with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Ignition_Number | ( | [out, retval] int * | count | ) |
Gives the number of ignitions in an FGM project.
count | Set to the number of ignitions in the project. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Ignition_PutName | ( | [in] int | index, |
[in] const BSTR | IgnitionName | ||
) |
Set the name for an ignition based on its index.
IgnitionName | Unique identifier for the ignition point. |
index | The index of the ignition. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_KNOWN | There is already an existing ignition with this name. |
IPromeApp::Ignition_PutTime | ( | [in] const BSTR | IgnitionName, |
[in] const BSTR | StartTime | ||
) |
Gives an ignition a start time, given an ignition name.
IgnitionName | Unique identifier for the ignition point. |
StartTime | The start time of the ignition point. Time should be of format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | There is no fire with this name. |
E_INVALIDARG | The time entered is in a format that cannot be parsed. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_RUNNING | A scenario is running and needs to be stopped before this action takes place. |
IPromeApp::Ignition_Set | ( | [in] const BSTR | IgnitionName, |
[in] int | index, | ||
[in] unsigned short | ignition_type, | ||
[in] SAFEARRAY(double) | xy_pairs | ||
) |
Sets the x and y coordinates for all types of ignitions.
IgnitionName | Unique identifier for the ignition point. |
index | The ignition index identifier. |
ignition_type | Whether the ignition is of the type point, line, or polygon. Valid values are:
xy_pairs | 2D Array of coordinates |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | There is no fire with this name. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_RUNNING | A scenario is running and needs to be stopped before this action takes place. |
ERROR_FIRE_IGNTION_TYPE_UNKNOWN | The fire ignition type is unknown. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
FALSE | false |
IPromeApp::Ignition_Size | ( | [in] const BSTR | IgnitionName, |
[in] int | index, | ||
[out,retval] int * | count | ||
) |
Gives the number of points that make up each sub-ignition within a single ignition file.
IgnitionName | Unique identifier for the ignition point. |
index | Index of the ignition. |
count | Set to the number of ignitions upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | There is no fire with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Ignition_Type | ( | [in] const BSTR | IgnitionName, |
[in] int | index, | ||
[out,retval] unsigned short * | type | ||
) |
Given an ignition name, gives the type.
IgnitionName | Unique identifier for the ignition point. |
index | Index of ignition. |
type | Set to the type of ignition upon return. Valid values are:
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | There is no fire with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::ImportElevation | ( | [in] const BSTR | projFileName, |
[in] const BSTR | elevationFile | ||
) |
Import the elevation, slope, and aspect data. Before calling this function, you should call the ImportFuelGrid() function first. None of the parameters should contain an empty string; all elevation data must be provided. Currently, all grids use the same projection and LUT information. Most of PrometheusCOM does not support the concept of multiple grids.
elevationFile | Character string identifying the name and path to the grid elevation file name. |
IPromeApp::ImportFuelGrid | ( | [in] const BSTR | projFileName, |
[in] const BSTR | fileName | ||
) |
Imports a fuel grid and its associated projection file. Currently, all grids use the same projection and LUT information, and most of PrometheusCOM now supports the concept of multiple grids. However, at this time, this function does not require a name for this default initial grid.
projFileName | String identifying the name and path to the projection file. |
fileName | Character string identifying the name and path to the grid file. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZED | The grid is not initialized properly.asc |
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | The file cannot be found in the filesystem. |
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED | The file cannot be opened. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | The file format is unrecognized, or if there is an error in the file format. |
ERROR_GRID_LOCATION_OUT_OF_RANGE | If the import files do not appear to match data that has already been imported. |
ERROR_FUELS_FUEL_UNKNOWN | The grid file contains a fuel index that is not defined in the fuel look-up table. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_SIMLUATION_RUNNING | Value cannot be changed while running a simulation. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES | System error; current application has too many files open. |
SUCCESS_GRID_DATA_UPDATED | The grid data was successfully updated. |
ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE | The handle has been invalidated, or closed. |
ERROR_FILE_EXISTS | The file exists. |
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | The parameter is incorrect. |
ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL | The disk is full. |
ERROR_SUCCESS | Success. |
IPromeApp::ImportFuelsLookup | ( | [in] const BSTR | fileName | ) |
Input the Fuels Lookup table. This function is optional but should be called before ImportFuelGrid(). If no lookup table is specified, then the default Prometheus table is used. Please refer to the Prometheus User Manual and Prometheus I/O Standard Document for this file format specification.
fileName | Character string identifying the name and path to the fuels lookup file. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID | If the format of the file does not comform to expected specifications. |
ERROR_GRID_INITIALIZED | The assignment of the same fuel map is tried more than once. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | The specified file cannot be found. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::Initialize | ( | ) |
Initialize the PrometheusCOM DLL for one application use. Various initial parameters and structures are prepared for usage. This function must be called before any other functions. The rules imposed by the COM architecture allow you to instantiate and initialize many PrometheusCOM objects simultaneously. However, the current design is limited to at most one PrometheusCOM object per application. This is a known design limitation. Previously, this method required parameters to specify (e.g.) latitude, longitude. Now, this data is retrieved from the provided projection files during an import operation. This function no longer takes any parameters. The longitude and latitude will be imported with the ASCII file and the time zone is set with a different function. Use the SetIntegerAttribute function and the CWFGM_GRID_ATTRIBUTE_TIMEZONE key.
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Internal error to be reported to COM development team. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
TRUE | Operation succeeded. |
REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG | Internal error to be reported to COM development team. |
CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION | Internal error to be reported to COM development team. |
E_NOINTERFACE | Internal error to be reported to COM development team. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_RUNNING | Value cannot be changed as it is being used in a currently running scenario. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::IsXYBurned | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] double | X, | ||
[in] double | Y, | ||
[out, retval] int * | burned | ||
) |
Retrieves whether the location at (X, Y) was burned in a specific simulation.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for a scenario. |
X | X-coordinate of interest. |
Y | Y-coordinate of interest. |
burned | On successful return, this will be set to 1 if burned and 0 if not burned. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | ScenarioName does not resolve to a known scenario. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | If the function is run while a scenario is running. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Nothing initialized yet. |
SUCCESS_FIRE_NOT_STARTED | Either no fires or the request predates the start time of the simulation. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_AddIgnition | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] const BSTR | FireID | ||
) |
Adds the specified ignition to the specified scenario.
ScenarioName | ID of the scenario to be modified. |
FireID | ID of the ignition to be added. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | There is no ignition with this name. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_AddVector | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] const BSTR | VectorName | ||
) |
Adds the specified vector to the specified scenario.
ScenarioName | ID of the scenario to be modified. |
VectorName | Unique identifier for a Vector. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_VECTORENGINE_UNKNOWN | There is no vector with this name. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_AddWxStream | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] const BSTR | StationName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | StreamName | ||
) |
Adds the specified weather stream to the specified scenario.
ScenarioName | ID of the scenario to be modified. |
StationName | ID of the weather station to be used. |
StreamName | ID of the weather stream to be added. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_WEATHER_STATION_UNKNOWN | There is no weather station with this name. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | There is no weather stream with this name. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_Copy | ( | [in] const BSTR | fromScenarioName, |
[in] const BSTR | newScenarioName | ||
) |
This method copies an already existing scenario.
fromScenarioName | Unique identifier of the scenario to be copied. |
newScenarioName | Unique identifier of the new scenario created from the old one. |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKOWN | No scenario exists with that name. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_KNOWN | If a scenario with that name already exists. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName | ) |
Creates a new, empty scenario object. A scenario is an object which associates together all spatial and temporal data required for a simulation. This scenario is assigned the default FBP and scenario options. These can be modified by calling Scenario_SetBooleanAttribute, Scenario_SetIntegerAttribute and passing the correct parameters. This function requires further modification for verification of input parameters, such as uniqueness of the ignition name.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for the new scenario. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZED | The grid object is not initialized. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_Delete | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName | ) |
Deletes the scenario.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for the scenario. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | The scenario is in a bad state. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_FilterAtIndex | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] int | index, | ||
[out,retval] BSTR * | FilterID | ||
) |
Gets filter in the scenario by index.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for the scenario. |
index | Index of wanted filter. |
FilterID | Set to the name of the filter upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_WEATHERGRID_UNKNOWN | There is not weather grid with this name. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_GetBooleanAttribute | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] unsigned short | attribute_key, | ||
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * | value | ||
) |
Get the scenario attribute determined by the attribute key as a boolean value.
ScenarioName | Name of the scenario to be modified |
attribute_key | Valid attribute keys are:
value | Set to the value of the key upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_OPTION_INVALID | This attribute key does not exist. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_GetBurnCondition | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] int | Day, | ||
[out] VARIANT_BOOL * | Effective, | ||
[out] int * | StartHour, | ||
[out] int * | EndHour, | ||
[out] double * | WSThreshold, | ||
[out] double * | RHThreshold, | ||
[out] double * | FWIThreshold | ||
) |
Get the scenario burn condition for this specific day.
ScenarioName | Name of the scenario to look in. |
Day | The Day in which we are interested. |
Effective | Whether the conditions are applied. |
StartHour | Set to the start hour upon return. |
EndHour | Set to the end hour upon return. |
WSThreshold | Set to the minimum wind speed which will sustain burning. |
RHThreshold | Set to the maximum relative humidity which will sustain burning. |
FWIThreshold | Set to the minimum FWI value which will sustain burning. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_GetDefaultBurnCondition | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[out] VARIANT_BOOL * | Effective, | ||
[out] int * | StartHour, | ||
[out] int * | EndHour, | ||
[out] double * | WSThreshold, | ||
[out] double * | RHThreshold, | ||
[out] double * | FWIThreshold | ||
) |
Get the default scenario burn condition.
ScenarioName | Name of the scenario to look in. |
Effective | Whether the conditions are applied. |
StartHour | Set to the start hour upon return. |
EndHour | Set to the end hour upon return. |
WSThreshold | Set to the minimum wind speed which will sustain burning. |
RHThreshold | Set to the maximum relative humidity which will sustain burning. |
FWIThreshold | Set to the minimum FWI value which will sustain burning. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_GetDoubleAttribute | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] unsigned short | attribute_key, | ||
[out, retval] double * | value | ||
) |
Get the scenario attribute determined by the attribute key as a double value.
ScenarioName | Name of the scenario to be modified |
attribute_key | Valid attribute keys are:
value | Set to the value of the key upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_OPTION_INVALID | This attribute key does not exist. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_GetFilterCount | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[out, retval] int * | count | ||
) |
Gets the number of filters in the scenario.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for the scenario. |
count | Set to the number of filters upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_GetGridValue | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] unsigned short | X, | ||
[in] unsigned short | Y, | ||
[out] int * | fuel_index | ||
) |
Gets the fuel grid value at coordinates x, y in a specified scenario.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier of a scenario. |
X | X coordinate |
Y | Y coordinate |
fuel_index | Index for a CWFGM fuel. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZED | The grid is not initialized properly. |
ERROR_GRID_LOCATION_OUT_OF_RANGE | The location is outside the grid. |
ERROR_FUELS_FUEL_UNKNOWN | There is no fuel with that name. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_GetIgnitionCount | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[out, retval] int * | count | ||
) |
Get number of ignitions in a certain scenario.
ScenarioName | Name of the scenario to look in. |
count | Set to the number of ignitions upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_GetIndex | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[out, retval] int * | index | ||
) |
Gets the index of a scenario identified by name.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier of a scenario. |
index | Set to the index of the scenario upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_GetIntegerAttribute | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] unsigned short | attribute_key, | ||
[out, retval] int * | value | ||
) |
Get the scenario attribute determined by the attribute key as an integer value.
ScenarioName | Name of the scenario to be modified |
attribute_key | Valid attribute keys are:
value | Set to the value of the key upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_OPTION_INVALID | This attribute key does not exist. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_GetName | ( | [in] int | index, |
[out, retval] BSTR * | ScenarioName | ||
) |
Gets the name of the scenario identified by index.
index | Index of a scenario. |
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for the scenario. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_GetTime | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[out] BSTR * | StartTime, | ||
[out] BSTR * | EndTime | ||
) |
Get the scenario start and end times.
ScenarioName | ID of the scenario. |
StartTime | Set to the start time upon return. |
EndTime | Set to the end time upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Invalid address. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_GetVectorCount | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[out, retval] int * | count | ||
) |
Gets the number of vectors in the specified scenario.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for the scenario. |
count | Set to the number of vectors upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_GetWxStreamCount | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[out, retval] int * | count | ||
) |
Gets the number of weather streams in the specified scenario.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for the scenario. |
count | Set to the number of weather streams upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_IgnitionAtIndex | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] int | index, | ||
[out,retval] BSTR * | FireID | ||
) |
Get the ignition specified by the index.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for the scenario. |
index | Index number of ignition. |
FireID | Unique identifier for the ignition. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | There is no ignition with this name. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_IndexOfFilter | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] const BSTR | FilterID, | ||
[out, retval] int * | index | ||
) |
Gets index of the filter in the scenario.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for the scenario. |
FilterID | Unique identifier for the filter. |
index | Set to the index of the filter upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_WEATHERGRID_UNKNOWN | There is not weather grid with this name. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_IndexOfIgnition | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] const BSTR | FireID, | ||
[out, retval] int * | index | ||
) |
Get the index of the specified ignition.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for the scenario. |
FireID | Unique identifier for the ignition. |
index | Set to the index of the ignition upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | There is no ignition with this name. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_IndexOfVector | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] const BSTR | VectorName, | ||
[out, retval] int * | index | ||
) |
Gets the index in the specified scenario by index.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for the scenario. |
VectorName | Unique identifier for the vector. |
index | Set to the index of the vector upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_VECTORENGIVE_UNKNOWN | There is no vector with this name. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_IndexOfWxStream | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] const BSTR | StationName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | StreamName, | ||
[out, retval] int * | index | ||
) |
Gets the index in the specified scenario by weather stream and station.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for the scenario. |
StationName | Unique identifier for the weather station. |
StreamName | Unique identifier for the weather stream. |
index | Set to the index of the weather stream. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | There is no weather stream with this name. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UNKNOWN | There is no weather station with this name. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_InsertFilter | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] const BSTR | FilterID, | ||
[in] int | index | ||
) |
Adds the specified filter to the specified scenario.
ScenarioName | ID of the scenario to be modified. |
FilterID | ID of the filter to be added. |
index | Index of where the filter is to be added. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_WEATHERGRID_UNKNOWN | There is no weather grid with this name. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_Number | ( | [out, retval] int * | count | ) |
count | Set to the number of scenarios upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_PutName | ( | [in] int | index, |
[in] const BSTR | ScenarioName | ||
) |
Sets the scenario name for the given scenario.
ScenarioName | Name of the scenario. |
index | Index of the scenario. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_RemoveFilter | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] const BSTR | FilterID | ||
) |
Removes the specified filter to the specified scenario.
ScenarioName | ID of the scenario to be modified. |
FilterID | ID of the filter to be added. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_WEATHERGRID_UNKNOWN | There is no weather grid with this name. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_RemoveIgnition | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] const BSTR | FireID | ||
) |
Removes the specified ignition from the specified scenario.
ScenarioName | ID of the scenario to be modified. |
FireID | Unique identifier for a Fire. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error; or if there is a problem with the scenario indexing. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWN | The ignition of that name does not exist. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | The scenario of that name does not exist. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_RemoveVector | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] const BSTR | VectorName | ||
) |
Removes the specified fuel break vector from the specified scenario.
ScenarioName | ID of the scenario to be modified. |
VectorName | Unique identifier for a Vector. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error; or if there is a problem with the scenario indexing. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_VECTORENGINE_UNKNOWN | The ignition of that name does not exist. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | The scenario of that name does not exist. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_RemoveWxStream | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] const BSTR | StationName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | StreamName | ||
) |
Removes the specified weather stream to the specified scenario.
ScenarioName | ID of the scenario to be modified. |
StationName | ID of the weather station to be used. |
StreamName | ID of the weather stream to be added. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_WEATHER_STATION_UNKNOWN | There is no weather station with this name. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | There is no weather stream with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_RUNNING | Weather stream cannot be removed while the scenario is running. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_SetBooleanAttribute | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] unsigned short | attribute_key, | ||
[in] VARIANT_BOOL | value | ||
) |
Set the scenario attribute determined by the attribute key to a Boolean value.
ScenarioName | Name of the scenario to be modified |
attribute_key | Valid attribute keys are:
value | The value to which the attribute key will be set. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | The scenario is in a bad state. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMES | The scenario has invalid times. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMESTEPS | The scenario has an invalid time step. |
TRUE | Operation succeeded. |
FALSE | false. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_SetBurnCondition | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] int | Day, | ||
[in] VARIANT_BOOL | Effective, | ||
[in] int | StartHour, | ||
[in] int | EndHour, | ||
[in] double | WSThreshold, | ||
[in] double | RHThreshold, | ||
[in] double | FWIThreshold | ||
) |
Sets the burn conditions for the scenario.
ScenarioName | Name of the scenario to be modified |
Day | The integer representing the day. |
Effective | Whether the burn condition is applied. |
StartHour | The start hour. |
EndHour | The end hour. |
WSThreshold | Minimum wind speed which will sustain burning. |
RHThreshold | Maximum relative humidity which will sustain burning. |
FWIThreshold | Minimum FWI value which will sustain burning. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | The scenario is in a bad state. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_SetDefaultBurnCondition | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] VARIANT_BOOL | Effective, | ||
[in] int | StartHour, | ||
[in] int | EndHour, | ||
[in] double | WSThreshold, | ||
[in] double | RHThreshold, | ||
[in] double | FWIThreshold | ||
) |
Sets the default burn conditions for the scenario.
ScenarioName | Name of the scenario to be modified |
Effective | Whether the burn condition is applied. |
StartHour | The start hour. |
EndHour | The end hour. |
WSThreshold | Minimum wind speed which will sustain burning. |
RHThreshold | Maximum relative humidity which will sustain burning. |
FWIThreshold | Minimum FWI value which will sustain burning. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | The scenario is in a bad state. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_SetDoubleAttribute | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] unsigned short | attribute_key, | ||
[in] double | value | ||
) |
Set the scenario attribute determined by the attribute key to a double value. Valid temperature, FWI IDW values are (0.0-10.0]. Valid wind speed, Precipitation IDW values are [0.0-10.0]. If 0.0 is provided, then voronoi regions are employed.
ScenarioName | Name of the scenario to be modified |
attribute_key | Valid attribute keys are:
value | The value to which the attribute key will be set. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | The scenario is in a bad state. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMES | The scenario has invalid times. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMESTEPS | The scenario has invalid time steps. |
TRUE | Operation succeeded. |
FALSE | false. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_SetIntegerAttribute | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] unsigned short | attribute_key, | ||
[in] int | value | ||
) |
Set the scenario attribute determined by the attribute key to an integer value.
ScenarioName | Name of the scenario to be modified |
attribute_key | Valid attribute keys are:
value | The value to which the attribute key will be set. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | The scenario is in a bad state. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMES | The scenario has invalid times. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMESTEPS | The scenario has an invalid time step. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_SetTime | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] const BSTR | StartTime, | ||
[in] const BSTR | EndTime | ||
) |
Set the scenario start and end times.
ScenarioName | ID of the scenario to be modified |
StartTime | The start time of the scenario. Time should be of format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" |
EndTime | The end time of the scenario. Time should be of format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMES | The scenario has invalid times. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMESTEPS | The scenario has an invalid time step. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | The scenario is in a bad state. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_VectorAtIndex | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] int | index, | ||
[out,retval] BSTR * | VectorName | ||
) |
Gets the vector in the specified scenario by index.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for the scenario. |
index | Index of vector in the scenario. |
VectorName | Uniquie identifier for the vector. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_VECTORENGIVE_UNKNOWN | There is no vector with this name. |
IPromeApp::Scenario_WxStreamAtIndex | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[in] int | index, | ||
[out] BSTR * | Station, | ||
[out] BSTR * | Stream | ||
) |
Gets the weather stream and station in the specified scenario by index.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for the scenario. |
index | Index of the weather stream within the scenario. |
Station | Unique identifier for the station. |
Stream | Unique identifier for the stream. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | There is no weather stream with this name. |
IPromeApp::SetBooleanAttribute | ( | [in] unsigned short | attribute_key, |
[in] VARIANT_BOOL | value | ||
) |
Set the Boolean value for the specified attribute.
attribute_key | Valid key is CWFGM_GRID_ATTRIBUTE_DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS |
value | The Boolean value to be used. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_INVALIDARG | The elevation parameter has an invalid value. |
IPromeApp::SetDoubleAttribute | ( | [in] unsigned short | attribute_key, |
[in] double | value | ||
) |
Set the double value for the specified attribute.
value | The double value to be used. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | The scenario is in a bad state. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMES | The scenario has invalid times. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMESTEPS | The scenario has an invalid time step. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_OPTION_INVALID | Unrecognized key code. |
IPromeApp::SetFuelDoubleAttribute | ( | [in] int | fuel_index, |
[in] unsigned short | attribute_key, | ||
[in] double | value | ||
) |
Set the double value for the specified fuel attribute.
fuel_index | The index number of the fuel to set the attribute for. |
attribute_key | Valid keys are:
value | The double value to be used. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | The scenario is in a bad state. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMES | The scenario has invalid times. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMESTEPS | The scenario has an invalid time step. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_OPTION_INVALID | Unrecognized key code. |
E_NOINTERFACE | No interface. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_FUELS_FUEL_UNKOWN | There is no fuel with this index. |
IPromeApp::SetIntegerAttribute | ( | [in] unsigned short | attribute_key, |
[in] int | value | ||
) |
Set the integer value for the specified attribute.
attribute_key | Valid key is CWFGM_GRID_ATTRIBUTE_TIMEZONE. Units are in seconds, relative to GMT. For example, MST (Mountain Standard Time) would be -6 * 60 * 60 seconds. Valid values are from -12 hours to +12 hours. |
value | The integer value to be used. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | The scenario is in a bad state. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMES | The scenario has invalid times. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMESTEPS | The scenario has an invalid time step. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_OPTION_INVALID | Unrecognized key code. |
IPromeApp::SetStringAttribute | ( | [in] unsigned short | attribute_key, |
[in] BSTR | value | ||
) |
Set the integer value for the specified attribute. Currently unused and kept as a placeholder for future development.
attribute_key | |
value | The string value to be used. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | The scenario is in a bad state. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMES | The scenario has invalid times. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMESTEPS | The scenario has an invalid time step. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_OPTION_INVALID | Unrecognized key code. |
IPromeApp::Simulate | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName | ) |
Simulates the a scenario completely, from start (reset) to finish. This replaces the depreciated SimulateActive function.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for a scenario. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_ | FIRE_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN ScenarioID does not correspond to a known scenario. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_NO_FIRES | The scenario contains no fires. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMES | Start or end time is invalid, or if the internal or output calculation intervals are invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMESTEPS | The scenario's time steps are invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_INVALID_BURNCONDITIONS | Invalid burn condition settings (burning periods between days overlap) |
ERROR_GRID_WEATHER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | No weather data is currently associated with this scenario. |
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZED | Some grid information is incomplete, or unspecified, for example if that object doesn't have an initialized latitude, longitude, or time zone. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | ScenarioID is unknown or invalid. |
S_OK | Scenario ready to execute, but has not begun. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | If this function is run while the scenario is running. |
ERROR_GRID_WEATHER_INVALID_DATES | The weather grid has invalid dates. |
S_FALSE | false. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_NOT_ASSIGNED | The scenario has no weather stream assigned to it. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
SUCCESS_STATE_OBJECT_UNLOCKED | Internal error. Please report to the software development team. |
SUCCESS_STATE_OBJECT_LOCKED_WRITE | Internal error. Please report to the software development team. |
SUCCESS_STATE_OBJECT_LOCKED_SCENARIO | Internal error. Please report to the software development team. |
SUCCESS_STATE_OBJECT_lOCKED_READ | Internal error. Please report to the software development team. |
IPromeApp::SimulateEightSteps | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[out] long * | StepResult | ||
) |
Simulates the fire growth eight steps forward. According to the value of StepResult, a decision can be made about whether the simulate operation should be stopped. It is equivalent to calling SimulateStep() eight times. This replaces the depreciated SimulateEightStepsActive function. This functionality is similar to that provided by the function SimulateStep().
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for a scenario. StepResult; 0: operation completed successfully -1: operation failed |
StepResult; | 0: operation completed successfully -1: operation failed |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error; or if no weather streams are attached to this scenario. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | ScenarioID does not correspond to a known scenario. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | Scenario is not running. |
SUCCESS_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_COMPLETE | This step completes simulation, i.e. the "current time" has reached the end time. |
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZED | No ICWFGM_GridEngine object has been specified, or that object doesn't have an initialized latitude, longitude, or time zone. |
IPromeApp::SimulateRestart | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName | ) |
Restarts the simulation. This operation must take place before any calls to SimulateStep(). This replaces the depreciated SimulateRestartActive function.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for a scenario. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | ScenarioID does not correspond to a known scenario. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_NO_FIRES | The scenario contains no fires. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMES | Start or end time is invalid, or if the internal or output calculation intervals are invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMESTEPS | The time steps are invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_INVALID_BURNCONDITIONS | Invalid burn condition settings (burning periods between days overlap) |
ERROR_GRID_WEATHER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | No weather data is currently associated with this scenario. |
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZED | Some grid information is incomplete, or unspecified, for example if that object doesn't have an initialized latitude, longitude, or time zone. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | If this function is run while the scenario is running. |
ERROR_GRID_WEATHER_INVALID_DATES | The weather grid has invalid dates. |
S_FALSE | false. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_NOT_ASSIGNED | The scenario has no weather stream assigned to it. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
SUCCESS_STATE_OBJECT_UNLOCKED | Internal error. Please report to the software development team. |
SUCCESS_STAE_OBJECT_LOCKED_WRITE | Internal error. Please report to the software development team. |
SUCCESS_STATE_OBJECT_LOCKED_SCENARIO | Internal error. Please report to the software development team. |
SUCCESS_STATE_OBJECT_LOCKED_READ | Internal error. Please report to the software development team. |
ERROR_GRID_PRIMARY_STREAM_UNSPECIFIED | The scenario has no primary stream assigned to it. |
ERROR_GRID_WEATHERSTATIONS_TOO_CLOSE | The weather stations in the scenario are too close together. |
ERROR_GRID_WEATHERSTREAM_TIME_OVERLAPS | At least two streams from the station have overlapping times. |
ERROR_GRID_LOCATION_OUT_OF_RANGE | The location is off the grid. |
IPromeApp::SimulateStep | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName | ) |
Simulates the fire growth in steps. This replaces the depreciated SimulateStepActive function.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for a scenario. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | ScenarioID does not correspond to a known scenario. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_NO_FIRES | The scenario contains no fires. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMES | Start or end time is invalid, or if the internal or output calculation intervals are invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMESTEPS | The time steps are invalid. |
ERROR_GRID_WEATHER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | No weather data is currently associated with this scenario. |
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZED | Some grid information is incomplete, or unspecified, for example if that object doesn't have an initialized latitude, longitude, or time zone. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | Scenario is not running. |
SUCCESS_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_COMPLETE | The scenario has successfully simulated. |
IPromeApp::SimulateStop | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName | ) |
Stops the simulation that is running.
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for a scenario. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | ScenarioID does not correspond to a known scenario. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | If the simulation wasn't in a reset, running, or completed state. |
IPromeApp::SimulateThreeSteps | ( | [in] const BSTR | ScenarioName, |
[out] long * | StepResult | ||
) |
Simulates the fire growth three steps forward. According to the value of StepResult, a decision can be made about whether the simulate operation should be stopped. It is equivalent to calling SimulateStep() three times. This replaces the depreciated SimulateThreeStepsActive function. This functionality is similar to that provided by the function SimulateStep().
ScenarioName | Unique identifier for a scenario. |
StepResult; | 0: operation completed successfully -1: operation failed |
S_OK | Successful. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error; or if no weather streams are attached to this scenario. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | ScenarioID does not correspond to a known scenario. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | Scenario is not running. |
SUCCESS_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_COMPLETE | This step completes simulation, i.e. the "current time" has reached the end time. |
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZED | No ICWFGM_GridEngine object has been specified, or that object doesn't have an initialized latitude, longitude, or time zone. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | Insufficient memory. |
IPromeApp::UnInitialize | ( | ) |
Performs necessary clean-up when simulations are finished. De-allocates all related objects, etc. This function ends the current COM session. No further COM functions can be called unless this function is re-initialized. This method should be used with care. Its functionality is redundant to simply deleting the PrometheusCOM object.
S_OK | Successful. |
IPromeApp::Vector_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | VectorName, |
[in] SAFEARRAY(double) | xy_pairs, | ||
int | is_polygon | ||
) |
This method creates a new vector fuel break identified by name and formed by the strings of x and y values.
VectorName | Unique identifier for the vector fuelbreak. |
xy_pairs | 2D Array of coordinates |
is_polygon | determines how to interpret the ordered set of points: 0 is polyline, 1 is polygon |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_VECTORENGINE_KNOWN | A vector object with this name already exists. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
IPromeApp::Vector_Delete | ( | [in] const BSTR | VectorName | ) |
Deletes a vector identified by its name.
VectorName | Unique identifier for the vector. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_VECTORENGIVE_UNKNOWN | No object with the provided name. |
IPromeApp::Vector_Export | ( | [in] const BSTR | VectorName, |
[in] const BSTR | fileName | ||
) |
Exports a vector object identified by name to the filename directed.
fileName | The path and filename to export to. |
VectorName | Uniquely identifies the vector. |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
S_FALSE | false. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_NO_DATA | There is no data. |
IPromeApp::Vector_GetIndex | ( | [in] const BSTR | VectorName, |
[out, retval] int * | index | ||
) |
Retrieves the index of a vector given its name.
index | Set to the index of the vector upon return. |
VectorName | Unique identifier for the vector. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | Insufficient memory. |
IPromeApp::Vector_GetName | ( | [in] int | index, |
[out, retval] BSTR * | VectorName | ||
) |
Retrieves the name of a vector given its index.
index | Index of a vector. |
VectorName | Is set to the vector name upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Vector_GetWidth | ( | [in] const BSTR | VectorName, |
[out, retval] double * | width | ||
) |
Retrieves the width of a vector polyline, for the vector identified by index.
VectorName | Unique identifier for the vector. |
width | Width, in grid units, of the polyline. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_VECTORENGIVE_UNKNOWN | No object with the provided name. |
IPromeApp::Vector_Import | ( | [in] const BSTR | VectorName, |
[in] const BSTR | fileName | ||
) |
This function attempts to import a fuel break vector from a file.
VectorName | Unique identifier for the vector. |
fileName | The file name and path of the file where the vector data is. The projection (and other) file(s) will be determined from the filename. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_VECTORENGINE_KNOWN | The vector data object does not exist. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZED | The grid is not initialized properly. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
S_FALSE | false. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
IPromeApp::Vector_Number | ( | [out, retval] int * | count | ) |
Retrieves the number of vectors in a project.
count | Sets this to the number of vectors upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::Vector_PutName | ( | [in] int | index, |
[in] const BSTR | VectorName | ||
) |
Set the name of the vector at the index specified.
index | Index of the vector. |
VectorName | Unique identifier for the vector. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::Vector_PutWidth | ( | [in] const BSTR | VectorName, |
[in] double | width | ||
) |
Sets the width of a vector polyline, for the vector identified by index.
VectorName | Unique identifier for the vector. |
width | Width, in grid units, of the polyline. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_VECTORENGIVE_UNKNOWN | No object with the provided name. |
IPromeApp::WxStation_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName | ) |
This method attempts to create a new weather station object with the id given it.
StationName | Unique identifier for the new weather station. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_ALREADY_PRESENT | There is already a weather station with this identifier. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
IPromeApp::WxStation_Delete | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName | ) |
Deletes a weather station.
StationName | Unique identifier for the station. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN | There is no scenario with this name. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATE | The scenario is in a bad state. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UNKNOWN | No weather station with this name can be found. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_RUNNING | Action cannot be performed while scenario is running. |
SUCCESS_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_COMPLETE | Action connate be performed while scenario is in complete state. |
IPromeApp::WxStation_GetIndex | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[out, retval] int * | index | ||
) |
Retrieves the index of a weather station given a name.
StationName | Unique identifier for the station. |
index | Index of weather station. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UKNOWN | There is no weather station with this name. |
IPromeApp::WxStation_GetLocation | ( | const BSTR | StationName, |
[out] double * | Latitude, | ||
[out] double * | Longitude, | ||
[out] double * | Elevation | ||
) |
Gets the latitude, longitude and elevation of a weather station specified by weather station id.
StationName | Unique identifier for a weather station. |
Latitude | Sets this to latitude on return. |
Longitude | Sets this to longitude on return. |
Elevation | Sets this to elevation on return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UKNOWN | No weather station exists with this id. |
IPromeApp::WxStation_GetName | ( | [in] int | index, |
[out, retval] BSTR * | StationName | ||
) |
Retrieves the station name of a weather station given an index.
StationName | Unique identifier for the station. |
index | Index of weather station. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UKNOWN | There is no weather station at this index. |
IPromeApp::WxStation_Number | ( | [out, retval] int * | NumOfStations | ) |
Gets the number of weather stations.
NumOfStations | Sets this to the number of weather stations on return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::WxStation_PutName | ( | [in] int | index, |
[in] const BSTR | StationName | ||
) |
Sets the weather station at an index to the name passed to it.
index | Index of aweather station. |
StationName | Unique identifier of a weather station. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UNKNOWN | There is no weather station at this index. |
Set the name of a weather station.
index | Unique identifier of the weather station. |
StationName | Name of the station. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UNKNOWN | No weather station with this name exists. |
IPromeApp::WxStation_SetLocation | ( | const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] double | Latitude, | ||
[in] double | Longitude, | ||
[in] double | Elevation | ||
) |
Set the coordinates and elevation of a weather station.
StationName | Unique identifier of the weather station. |
Latitude | Latitude coordinate. |
Longitude | Longitdue coordinate. |
Elevation | Elevation. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UNKNOWN | No weather station with this name exists. |
ERROR_GRID_LOCATION_OUT_OF_RANGE | A location of 0.0, 0.0 degrees was provided for latitude, longitude. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_AddWeatherDaily | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] const BSTR | StreamName, | ||
[in] double | min_temp, | ||
[in] double | max_temp, | ||
[in] double | min_ws, | ||
[in] double | max_ws, | ||
[in] double | rh, | ||
[in] double | precip, | ||
[in] double | wd | ||
) |
Adds daily weather to the weather stream specified by station name and stream name.
StationName | Unique identifier for the station. |
StreamName | Unique identifier for the stream. |
min_temp | Minimum temperature. |
max_temp | Maximum temperature. |
min_ws | Minimum windspeed. |
max_ws | Maximum windspeed. |
rh | Relative humidity. |
precip | Precipitation. |
wd | Wind direction. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UNKNOWN | No weather station with this name can be found. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | No weather stream with this name can be found. |
E_UNEXPECTED | Internal error. Please report to the software development team. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_RUNNING | Cannot add weather while simulation is running. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_ClearAllWeatherData | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] const BSTR | StreamName | ||
) |
Deletes all hourly and daily weather data in the file. Does not reset start time, starting codes, etc.
StationName | Unique identifier for a weather station. |
StreamName | Unique identifier for a weather stream. |
S_OK | Successful. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_Create | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] const BSTR | StreamName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | StartTime | ||
) |
This method attempts to create a new weather stream object with the given name, station and start time.
StationName | Unique identifier for the weather station. |
StreamName | Unique identifier for a weather stream. |
StartTime | Start time for the weather stream. Time should be of format "YYYY-MM-DD" |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_ALREADY_PRESENT | There is already a weather station with this identifier. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UNKNOWN | The weather station specified can not be found. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_Delete | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] const BSTR | StreamName | ||
) |
Deletes a weather stream.
StationName | Unique identifier for the station. |
StreamName | Unique identifier for the stream. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UNKNOWN | No weather station with this name can be found. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | No weather stream with this name can be found. |
E_UNEXPECTED | Internal error. Please report to the software development team. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_RUNNING | The weather stream cannot be delete while a scenario is running. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_EditWeatherDaily | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] const BSTR | StreamName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | Day, | ||
[in] double | MinTemp, | ||
[in] double | MaxTemp, | ||
[in] double | MinWS, | ||
[in] double | MaxWS, | ||
[in] double | MinRH, | ||
[in] double | Preci, | ||
[in] double | WD | ||
) |
Edits a specific weather stream's daily observation values for a specific day. This day must already exist in the weather stream, or be adjacent to an existing day. Judy Beck's diurnal curve equations are used to calculate hourly data from these daily observations.
StationName | Unique identifier for a weather station. |
StreamName | Unique identifier for a weather stream. |
Day | Identifies the day to modify (or add) in the weather stream. |
MinTemp | Minimum observed temperature (degrees in Celsius) for the day. |
MaxTemp | Maximum observed temperature (degrees in Celsius) for the day. |
MinWS | Minimum observed wind speed (km/hr) for the day. |
MaxWS | Maximum observed wind speed (km/hr) for the day. |
MinRH | Minimum observed relative humidity (%) for the day. |
Preci | Total observed precipitation (mm) for the day. |
WD | Mean observed wind direction (degrees clockwise from north) for the day. |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error; or if the operation of making daily observations failed (e.g. because the requested day is not present or adjacent to existing data). |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UNKNOWN | StationName does not correspond to a known weather station. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | StreamName does not correspond to a known weather stream. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_RUNNING | If trying to set a new start time when the fire is attached to a running simulation. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_EditWeatherHourly | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] const BSTR | StreamName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | Day, | ||
[in] long | Hour, | ||
[in] double | Temp, | ||
[in] double | RH, | ||
[in] double | WS, | ||
[in] double | Preci, | ||
[in] double | WD | ||
) |
Edits a specific weather stream's hourly readings for a specific hour of a specific day. This day must already exist in the weather stream, or be adjacent to an existing day.
StationName | uniquely identifies a weather station |
StreamName | uniquely identifies a weather stream |
Day | Identifies the day to modify (or add) in the weather stream. |
Hour | Hour (0 to 23). |
Temp | Temperature for the hour (degrees in Celsius). |
RH | Relative humidity for the hour (%). |
WS | Wind speed for the hour (km/hr). |
Preci | Precipitation for the hour (mm). |
WD | Wind direction for the hour (degrees clockwise from north). |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error; or if the operation of making hourly readings failed (e.g. because the requested day is not present or adjacent to existing data). |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UNKNOWN | StationName does not correspond to a known weather station. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | StreamName does not correspond to a known weather stream. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMES | Day is not in a valid date format. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_RUNNING | If trying to set a new start time when the fire is attached to a running simulation. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_Export | ( | [in] const BSTR | fileName, |
[in] const BSTR | StationName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | StreamName, | ||
[in] int | flags | ||
) |
Exports a weather stream identified by station and stream name with a possible header to the filename directed.
StationName | Uniquely identifies the weather station. |
fileName | The path and filename to export to. |
StreamName | Uniquely identifies the weather stream. |
flags | 0x1 (low-order) bit: Whether or not to include header information. 0x2 bit: Whether or not to include FWI information. 0x4 bit: Whether or not to export as an hourly weather file (daily is 0) |
S_OK | Successful |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UNKNOWN | There is no weather station with this name. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | There is no weather stream with this name. |
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED | Access denied. |
ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE | The handle has been invalidated, or closed. |
ERROR_FILE_EXISTS | The file exists. |
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | The parameter is incorrect. |
ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES | System error; current application has too many files open. |
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | The specified file could not be found. |
ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL | The disk is full. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_GetBooleanAttribute | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] const BSTR | StreamName, | ||
[in] unsigned short | attribute_key, | ||
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * | value | ||
) |
Retrieves the value of a certain attribute of a station, or stream.
StationName | Unique identifier for the station. |
attribute_key | Valid attributes are:
StreamName | Unique identifier for the stream. |
value | Set to the correct value upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UKNOWN | There is no weather station with this name. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | There is no weather stream at this index. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_GetDoubleAttribute | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] const BSTR | StreamName, | ||
[in] unsigned short | attribute_key, | ||
[out, retval] double * | value | ||
) |
Retrieves the value of a certain attribute of a station, or stream.
StationName | Unique identifier for the station. |
attribute_key | Valid attributes are:
StreamName | Unique identifier for the stream. |
value | Set to the correct value upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UKNOWN | There is no weather station with this name. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | There is no weather stream at this index. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_GetIndex | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] const BSTR | StreamName, | ||
[out, retval] int * | index | ||
) |
Retrieves the index of a weather stream for a certain station and stream name.
StationName | Unique identifier for the station. |
index | Index of weather station. |
StreamName | Unique identifier for the stream. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UKNOWN | There is no weather station with this name. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | There is no weather stream at this index. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_GetIntegerAttribute | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] const BSTR | StreamName, | ||
[in] unsigned short | attribute_key, | ||
[out, retval] int * | value | ||
) |
Retrieves the value of a certain attribute of a station, or stream.
StationName | Unique identifier for the station. |
attribute_key | Valid attributes are:
StreamName | Unique identifier for the stream. |
value | Set to the correct value upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UKNOWN | There is no weather station with this name. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | There is no weather stream at this index. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_GetName | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] int | index, | ||
[out, retval] BSTR * | StreamName | ||
) |
Retrieves the name of a weather stream for a certain station and index.
StationName | Unique identifier for the station. |
index | Index of weather station. |
StreamName | Unique identifier for the stream. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UKNOWN | There is no weather station with this name. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | There is no weather stream at this index. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_GetStartTime | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] const BSTR | StreamName, | ||
[out,retval] BSTR * | StartTime | ||
) |
Retrieves the start time of a stream.
StationName | Unique identifier for the station. |
StartTime | Set to the start time upon return. |
StreamName | Unique identifier for the stream. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UKNOWN | There is no weather station with this name. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | There is no weather stream at this index. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_Import | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] const BSTR | StreamName, | ||
[in] const BSTR | FileName | ||
) |
Attempts to import a weather stream for the specified weather station from the specified file.
FileName | The file name and path of the file where the weather stream data is. |
StationName | Unique identifier for a weather station. |
StreamName | Unique identifier for a weather stream. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UNKNOWN | There is no weather station with this id. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_ALREADY_ADDED | There is already a weather stream with this id. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_Number | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in, out] int * | NumOfStreams | ||
) |
Retrieves the number of weathers streams for a certain station.
StationName | Unique identifier for the station. |
NumOfStreams | Set to the number of streams upon return. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UKNOWN | There is no weather station with this name. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_PutName | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] int | index, | ||
[in] const BSTR | StreamName | ||
) |
Set the name of a weather stream.
index | Unique identifier of the weather stream. |
StationName | Name of the station. |
StreamName | Name of the stream |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UNKNOWN | No weather station with this name exists. |
E_POINTER | Invalid address. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | No weather station exists with this index. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_SetBooleanAttribute | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] const BSTR | StreamName, | ||
[in] unsigned short | attribute_key, | ||
[in] VARIANT_BOOL | value | ||
) |
Set station and stream attributes.
StationName | Unique identifier for the station. |
attribute_key | Used to identify the attribute to be changed. Valid values are:
StreamName | Unique identifier for the stream. |
value | Value to set the attribute to. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UKNOWN | There is no weather station with this name. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | There is no weather stream at this index. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_RUNNING | Can't change a weather stream while simulating. |
FALSE | false. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_WEATHER_OPTION_INVALID | Unrecognized key code. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_SetDoubleAttribute | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] const BSTR | StreamName, | ||
[in] unsigned short | attribute_key, | ||
[in] double | value | ||
) |
Set station and stream double attributes.
StationName | Unique identifier for the station. |
attribute_key | Used to identify the attribute to be changed. |
StreamName | Unique identifier for the stream. |
value | Value to set the attribute to. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UKNOWN | There is no weather station with this name. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | There is no weather stream at this index. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_RUNNING | Can't change a weather stream while simulating. |
FALSE | false. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_WEATHER_OPTION_INVALID | Unrecognized key code. |
IPromeApp::WxStream_SetIntegerAttribute | ( | [in] const BSTR | StationName, |
[in] const BSTR | StreamName, | ||
[in] unsigned short | attribute_key, | ||
[in] int | value | ||
) |
Set station and stream integer attributes.
StationName | Unique identifier for the station. |
attribute_key | Valid attribute keys are:
StreamName | Unique identifier for the stream. |
value | Value to set the attribute to. |
S_OK | Successful. |
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING | Failed initialization or a non-specific I/O error. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | There is not enough memory to complete the operation. |
E_POINTER | Address provided is invalid. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STATION_UKNOWN | There is no weather station with this name. |
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_UNKNOWN | There is no weather stream at this index. |
ERROR_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_RUNNING | Can't change a weather stream while simulating. |
FALSE | false. |
E_FAIL | A general failure occurred. |
E_INVALIDARG | Invalid parameters. |
ERROR_WEATHER_OPTION_INVALID | Unrecognized key code. |