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CCWFGM_Scenario Class Reference

Primary simulation scenario object. More...

#include <CWFGM_Scenario.h>

Collaboration diagram for CCWFGM_Scenario:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

STDMETHOD() Clone (ICWFGM_Scenario **scenario)
STDMETHOD() GetGridEngine (LONGLONG *layerThread, ICWFGM_GridEngine **pVal)
STDMETHOD() PutGridEngine (LONGLONG layerThread, ICWFGM_GridEngine *newVal)
STDMETHOD() GetIgnitionCount (ULONG *count)
STDMETHOD() AddIgnition (ICWFGM_Ignition *fire)
STDMETHOD() RemoveIgnition (ICWFGM_Ignition *fire)
STDMETHOD() IndexOfIgnition (ICWFGM_Ignition *fire, ULONG *index)
STDMETHOD() IgnitionAtIndex (ULONG index, ICWFGM_Ignition **fire)
STDMETHOD() GetVectorEngineCount (ULONG *count)
STDMETHOD() AddVectorEngine (ICWFGM_VectorEngine *vectorEngine)
STDMETHOD() RemoveVectorEngine (ICWFGM_VectorEngine *vectorEngine)
STDMETHOD() IndexOfVectorEngine (ICWFGM_VectorEngine *vectorEngine, ULONG *index)
STDMETHOD() VectorEngineAtIndex (ULONG index, ICWFGM_VectorEngine **vectorEngine)
STDMETHOD() Simulation_State ()
STDMETHOD() Simulation_Reset ()
STDMETHOD() Simulation_Step ()
STDMETHOD() Simulation_Clear ()
STDMETHOD() GetAttribute (USHORT option, VARIANT *value)
STDMETHOD() SetAttribute (USHORT option, VARIANT value)
STDMETHOD() get_UserData (VARIANT *pVal)
STDMETHOD() put_UserData (VARIANT newVal)
STDMETHOD() GetBurnedBox (ULONGLONG time, double *left, double *right, double *bottom, double *top)
STDMETHOD() IsXYBurned (double X, double Y, ULONGLONG time, short *burned)
STDMETHOD() Simulation_StepBack ()
STDMETHOD() GetDefaultBurnCondition (VARIANT_BOOL *bEffective, USHORT *StartHour, USHORT *EndHour, double *MaxWS, double *MinRH, double *MinFWI)
STDMETHOD() GetBurnConditionDays (USHORT *days)
STDMETHOD() GetDayBurnCondition (SHORT day, VARIANT_BOOL *bEffective, USHORT *StartHour, USHORT *EndHour, double *MaxWS, double *MinRH, double *MinFWI)
STDMETHOD() AdjustBurnCondition ()
STDMETHOD() SetDefaultBurnCondition (VARIANT_BOOL bEffective, USHORT StartHour, USHORT EndHour, double MaxWS, double MinRH, double MinFWI)
STDMETHOD() SetDayBurnCondition (SHORT day, VARIANT_BOOL bEffective, USHORT StartHour, USHORT EndHour, double MaxWS, double MinRH, double MinFWI)
STDMETHOD() GetNumberSteps (ULONG *steps)
STDMETHOD() GetStepsArray (ULONG *size, SAFEARRAY **times)
STDMETHOD() GetNumberFires (ULONGLONG *time, ULONG *count)
STDMETHOD() IgnitionAtFireIndex (ULONG index, ULONGLONG *time, ICWFGM_Ignition **fire)
STDMETHOD() GetVectorSize (ULONG fire, ULONGLONG *time, ULONG *size)
STDMETHOD() GetVectorArray (ULONG fire, ULONGLONG *time, ULONG *size, SAFEARRAY **xy_pairs)
STDMETHOD() GetStatsArray (ULONG fire, ULONGLONG *time, USHORT stat, ULONG *size, SAFEARRAY **stats)
STDMETHOD() GetStats (ULONG fire, ULONGLONG *time, USHORT stat, VARIANT *stats)
STDMETHOD() GetXYStats (double x, double y, ULONGLONG *time, USHORT stat, USHORT interp_method, VARIANT *stats)
STDMETHOD() GetStatsPercentage (ULONG fire, ULONGLONG *time, USHORT stat, double greater_equal, double less_than, double *stats)
STDMETHOD() ExportFires (ICWFGM_Ignition *set, ULONGLONG *start_time, ULONGLONG *end_time, USHORT stat, const BSTR driver_name, const BSTR projection, const BSTR file_path, SAFEARRAY *rules)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ICWFGM_Scenario
HRESULT Clone ([out, retval]ICWFGM_Scenario **scenario)
HRESULT GetGridEngine ([out] __int64 *layerThread, [out] ICWFGM_GridEngine **pVal)
HRESULT PutGridEngine ([in] __int64 layerThread, [in] ICWFGM_GridEngine *newVal)
HRESULT GetAttribute ([in]unsigned short option, [out, retval]VARIANT *value)
HRESULT SetAttribute ([in]unsigned short option, [in]VARIANT value)
HRESULT GetIgnitionCount ([out, retval]unsigned long *count)
HRESULT AddIgnition ([in]ICWFGM_Ignition *fire)
HRESULT RemoveIgnition ([in]ICWFGM_Ignition *fire)
HRESULT IgnitionAtIndex ([in]unsigned long index, [out, retval]ICWFGM_Ignition **fire)
HRESULT IndexOfIgnition ([in]ICWFGM_Ignition *fire, [out, retval]unsigned long *index)
HRESULT GetVectorEngineCount ([out, retval]unsigned long *count)
HRESULT AddVectorEngine ([in]ICWFGM_VectorEngine *vectorEngine)
HRESULT RemoveVectorEngine ([in]ICWFGM_VectorEngine *vectorEngine)
HRESULT VectorEngineAtIndex ([in]unsigned long index, [out, retval]ICWFGM_VectorEngine **vectorEngine)
HRESULT IndexOfVectorEngine ([in]ICWFGM_VectorEngine *vectorEngine, [out, retval]unsigned long *index)
HRESULT Simulation_State ()
HRESULT Simulation_Reset ()
HRESULT Simulation_Step ()
HRESULT Simulation_StepBack ()
HRESULT Simulation_Clear ()
HRESULT SetDayBurnCondition ([in]short day, [in]VARIANT_BOOL bEffective,[in]unsigned short StartHour, [in]unsigned short EndHour, [in]double MaxWS, [in]double MinRH, [in]double MinFWI)
HRESULT SetDefaultBurnCondition ([in]VARIANT_BOOL bEffective,[in]unsigned short StartHour, [in]unsigned short EndHour, [in]double MaxWS, [in]double MinRH, [in]double MinFWI)
HRESULT AdjustBurnCondition ()
HRESULT GetDayBurnCondition ([in]short day,[out]VARIANT_BOOL *bEffective,[out]unsigned short *StartHour,[out]unsigned short *EndHour,[out]double *MaxWS,[out]double *MinRH, [out]double *MinFWI)
HRESULT GetBurnConditionDays ([out]unsigned short *days)
HRESULT GetDefaultBurnCondition ([out]VARIANT_BOOL *bEffective,[out]unsigned short *StartHour,[out]unsigned short *EndHour,[out]double *MaxWS,[out]double *MinRH, [out]double *MinFWI)
HRESULT IsXYBurned ([in]double X, [in]double Y, [in]unsigned __int64 time, [out, retval]short *burned)
HRESULT GetBurnedBox ([in]unsigned __int64 time, [out]double *left, [out]double *right, [out]double *bottom, [out]double *top)
HRESULT GetNumberSteps ([out, retval]unsigned long *steps)
HRESULT GetStepsArray ([in, out]unsigned long *size, [in, out]SAFEARRAY(unsigned __int64)*times)
HRESULT GetNumberFires ([in, out]unsigned __int64 *time, [out, retval]unsigned long *size)
HRESULT IgnitionAtFireIndex ([in]unsigned long index, [in, out]unsigned __int64 *time, [out, retval]ICWFGM_Ignition **fire)
HRESULT GetVectorSize ([in]unsigned long fire, [in, out]unsigned __int64 *time, [out, retval]unsigned long *size)
HRESULT GetVectorArray ([in]unsigned long fire, [in, out]unsigned __int64 *time, [in, out]unsigned long *size, [in, out]SAFEARRAY(double)*xy_pairs)
HRESULT GetStatsArray ([in]unsigned long fire, [in, out]unsigned __int64 *time, [in]unsigned short stat, [in, out]unsigned long *size, [in, out]SAFEARRAY(double)*stats)
HRESULT GetStats ([in]unsigned long fire, [in, out]unsigned __int64 *time, [in]unsigned short stat, [out, retval]VARIANT *stats)
HRESULT GetXYStats ([in]double X, [in]double Y, [in, out]unsigned __int64 *time, [in]unsigned short stat, [in]unsigned short interp_method, [out, retval]VARIANT *stats)
HRESULT GetStatsPercentage ([in]ULONG fire, [in, out]unsigned __int64 *time, [in]unsigned short stat, [in]double greater_equal, [in]double less_than, [out, retval]double *stats)
HRESULT ExportFires ([in] ICWFGM_Ignition *set, [in, out] unsigned __int64 *start_time, [in, out] unsigned __int64 *end_time, [in] unsigned short flags, [in] const BSTR driver_name, [in] const BSTR projection, [in] const BSTR file_path, [in] SAFEARRAY(SExportRule) rules)

Additional Inherited Members

- Properties inherited from ICWFGM_Scenario
VARIANT UserData [get, set]

Detailed Description

Primary simulation scenario object.

The simulation engine implements and exposes a large scenario COM interface for CWFGM and other client applications to use. The purposes of this object are as follows:

This object also implements the standard COM IPersistStream, IPersistStreamInit, and IPersistStorage interfaces, for use for loading and saving. Serialization methods save scenario settings such as start time, duration, etc., but do not save any other associated objects, such as the grid engine, vector engines, or fire objects attached to it. The client application is responsible for maintaining these settings. This rule is imposed since the client object is responsible for maintaining collections of ignition objects, and objects exporting the ICWFGM_GridEngine interface.

Presently, this interface defines synchronous access to simplify the simulation engine and the client application. The client application makes a request Step() and will wait until the simulation engine is finished completing the request. This model will provide sufficient control over the engine for this application.

Member Function Documentation

STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::AddIgnition ( ICWFGM_Ignition fire)

Adds an ignition to this scenario object.

fireAn ignition object
See Also
Return values
E_OUTOFMEMORYInsufficient memory
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf this function is run while the scenario is running
E_NOINTERFACEThe object trying to be added doesn't support the correct interfaces, or if the pointer to fire is invalid
ERROR_SCENARO_FIRE_ALREADY_ADDEDThe fire being added is already associated with this scenario
E-POINTERThe address provided for fire is invalid.
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::AddVectorEngine ( ICWFGM_VectorEngine vectorEngine)

Adds a vector engine object to this scenario object. The order of vector engine objects is unimportant (where the order of grid engine objects is).

vectorEngineA vector engine object.
See Also
Return values
E_OUTOFMEMORYInsufficient memory
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf this function is run while the scenarion is running.
E_POINTERvectorEngine is invalid
E_NOINTERFACEVectorEngine does not support the ICWFGM_VectorEngine interface
ERROR_SCENARIO_VECTORENGINE_ALREADY_ADDEDThe vector engine object being added is already associated with this scenario.
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::AdjustBurnCondition ( )
This method will propagate the last defined day burned condition to all remaining days in the simulation.

This method is a candidate for removal and should not be used. This functionality is best implemented by the client application to avoid any possible assumptions on its behaviour and side-effects. This functionality is likely not needed with a more generalized approach to implementing burning conditions.

See Also
Return values
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf the function is run while a scenario is running
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::Clone ( ICWFGM_Scenario **  scenario)
Creates a new scenario object with all the same properties of the object being

called, returns a handle to the new object in 'scenario'. This operation does not link the cloned object to the fires attached to the object being called, nor does it record the GridEngine handle in the new object, it only duplicates the properties such as start time, end time, calculation intervals, etc.

scenarioA scenario object
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for scenario return value is invalid
E_OUTOFMEMORYInsufficient memory
E_NOINTERFACEInternal serialization issue/error
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::ExportFires ( ICWFGM_Ignition set,
ULONGLONG *  start_time,
ULONGLONG *  end_time,
USHORT  flags,
const BSTR  driver_name,
const BSTR  projection,
const BSTR  file_path,
SAFEARRAY *  rules 

Exports fires generated from a specific ignition at a specific simulated time, given options.

setIdentifies a specific ignition. If NULL, then all fires at the time specified are exported
start_timeStart time for which to export at, specified GMT time since Midnight January 1, 1600. Only displayable time steps will be output.
end_timeEnd time for which to export at, specified GMT time since Midnight January 1, 1600. Only displayable time steps will be output.
  • SCENARIO_EXPORT_SUBSET_EXTERIOR If TRUE, then only exterior perimeters are exported. If FALSE, then all exterior and interior perimeters are exported.
  • SCENARIO_EXPORT_SUBSET_ACTIVE If TRUE, then active portions of the perimeters are exported as polylines. If FALSE, then all portions of the perimeters are exported (as polygons).
  • SCENARIO_EXPORT_COMBINE_SET If TRUE, then multiple fire perimeters will be merged together. If FALSE, then boundaries among the fires will persist.
driver_nameIdentifies file format. Refer to GDAL documentation for supported formats
projectionProjection file name
file_pathVector data file name
rulesArray of SExportRule rules defining specific details of what to include in the exported file.
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for time, driver_name or file_path is invalid
ERROR_NO_DATA|ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNINGNothing has been initialized yet
ERROR_FIRE_INVALID_TIMEIf the time is invalid
SUCCESS_FIRE_NOT_STARTEDFire not y et started (stats is set to 0)
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf the function is run without a running scenario
E_INVALIDARGInvalid parameter
S_FALSEUnspecified error
E_FAILUnspecidifed error
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::get_UserData ( VARIANT *  pVal)
This property is unused by the scenario object, and is available for exclusive use by the client code.

It is a VARIANT field so that the client code may store pointer values for use in subclassing this object. This value is not loaded or saved during serialization operations, and it is the responsibility of the client code to manage any value or object stored here. Access to this property is not thread-safe.

pValValue of UserData
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for pVal is invalid
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::GetAttribute ( USHORT  option,
VARIANT *  value 
Polymorphic.  Retrieves a value for a scenario setting that the client application can use to modify the operation of the scenario, or to determine the state of the simulation.  These values are defined in FireEngine_ext.h.
    \param option Option of interest(a list of possible options appears in "FireEngine_ext.h".  Supported / valid attribute/option index supported are:
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_ACCEL Boolean. If TRUE, then acceleration is applied to various output statistics in the FBP standard. This value should only applicable to point ignitions. If FALSE, then the fire is assumed to be always at equilibrium.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_BUI Boolean. If TRUE, then the BUI build-up effect is applied to various statistics in the FBP standard.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_TOPOGRAPHY Boolean. If TRUE, then the slope component to calculating the WSV output statistic in the FBP standard is set to 0.0. If TRUE, then the wind speed is used as provided. This setting also affects the slope component in Dr. Richards' 3D equations.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_GREENUP Boolean. Specific FBP fuel types use different equations during green-up. This flag determines whether to use green-up equations or not.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_FMC_TERRAIN Boolean. If TRUE, then elevation is used to calculate FMC. Note that specific rules exist when default elevations have to be used.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WIND Boolean. If FALSE, then the wind component to calculating the WSV statistic in the FBP standard is set to 0.0. If TRUE, then the wind speed is used as provided.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_USE_2DGROWTH Boolean. TRUE if using Dr. Richards' 2D equations. FALSE if using Dr. Richards' 3D equations.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_BOUNDARY_STOP Boolean. TRUE if the simulation stops when any simulated fire reaches the grid boundary. FALSE if the simulation should continue (in which case, any perimeter of the fire is stopped and clipped at the grid boundary).
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_SPOTTING Boolean. Currently unused.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_BREACHING Boolean. Determines whether breaching of vector and gridded fire breaks is allowed.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_SINGLETHREADING Boolean. TRUE if multithreading within a simulation is disabled. FALSE if multithreading is enabled.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_NONFUELS_AS_VECTOR_BREAKS Boolean. When TRUE, square polygons are built around each non-fuel grid cell. This option affects performance, and how breaching, etc. operations perform around non-fuel grid cells.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_TEMPORAL Boolean. When TRUE, temporal weather interpolation is turned on, for all of the WX and hourly/instantantaneous FWI calculations.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_SPATIAL Boolean. When TRUE, spatial weather interpolation is turned on. This option applies to both WX and FWI values, and will work whether there is 1 or more weather stations assigned to the scenario. If FALSE, then there should only be one weather stream.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_PRECIP Boolean. Conditional on CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_SPATIAL. When TRUE, precipitation is spatially interpolated using IDW. When FALSE, precipitation from the primary weather stream is used.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_WIND Boolean. Conditional on CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_SPATIAL. When TRUE, wind is spatially interpolated (WS is defined using IDW, WD is chosen from the closest station); when FALSE, wind from the primary weather stream is used.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_TEMP_RH Boolean. Conditional on CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_SPATIAL. When TRUE, temperature, dew point temperature, and RH are calculated spatially from adiabatic lapse rates; when FALSE, values from the primary weather stream are used.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_CALCFWI Boolean. If FALSE, then the current FWI values are returned (possibly interpolated). If TRUE, then the current FWI values are calculated from the prior FWI values and the current weather values (likely spatially interpolated).
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_ACCURATE_FMC_LOCATION Boolean. When TRUE, the precise location of a simulated fire vertex is used when calculating FMC. When FALSE, the grid's lower left corner is used in calculating FMC.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_STARTING_POINTS 16-bit unsigned integer. Number of verticies used for a point ignition. Valid values are 6 to 64 inclusive.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_MULTITHREADING 32-bit unsigned integer. If multithreading is enabled, then this option determines how many threads to allow.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_PERIMETER_RESOLUTION 64-bit floating point. Maximum distance between any two vertices on a fire perimeter.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_SPATIAL_THRESHOLD 64-bit floating point. Maximum distance (in grid units) that a vertex is allows to travel while advancing a fire perimeter.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_SMOOTHING_WEIGHT 64-bit floating point. Smoothing factor which allows a vertex's neighbours' rates of spread to impact its calculated distance travelled.
  • CWFGM_GRID_ATTRIBUTE_LATITUDE 64-bit floating point, radians.
  • CWFGM_GRID_ATTRIBUTE_LONGITUDE 64-bit floating point, radians.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_SPECIFIED_FMC 64-bit floating point. User-override FMC value for the simulation. If >= 0, then the value is used, if < 0 then, this value is not used.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_DEFAULT_ELEVATION 64-bit floating point, metres. User specified elevation to use when there is no grid elevation available for at a requested grid location.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_IGNITION_SIZE 64-bit floating point. Diameter (in grid units) of the starting circle of an ignition point. Also used to determine the width of an ignition line.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_START_TIME 64-bit unsigned integer. GMT time provided as seconds since Midnight January 1, 1600
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_END_TIME 64-bit unsigned integer. GMT time provided as seconds since Midnight January 1, 1600
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_CURRENT_TIME 64-bit unsigned integer. GMT time provided as seconds since Midnight January 1, 1600
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_TEMPORAL_THRESHOLD 64-bit signed integer. Units are in seconds. Maximum time allowed between any two adjacent simulation time steps.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_TEMPORAL_THRESHOLD_ACCEL 64-bit signed integer. Units are in seconds. Maximum time allowed between two adjacent simulation time steps when any ignition is in its acceleration phase (when ROSt is less than 90% of ROSeq).
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_DISPLAY_INTERVAL 64-bit signed integer. Units are in seconds. Time interval for output fire perimeters, or 0 if every time step is to be outputted.
  • CWFGM_GRID_ATTRIBUTE_TIMEZONE 64-bit signed integer. Units are in seconds, relative to GMT. For example, MST (Mountain Standard Time) would be -6 * 60 * 60 seconds. Valid values are from -12 hours to +12 hours.
  • CWFGM_GRID_ATTRIBUTE_DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS 64-bit signed integer. Units are in seconds. Amount of correction to apply for daylight savings time.
  • CWFGM_GRID_ATTRIBUTE_DST_START 64-bit unsigned integer. Units are in seconds. Julian date determining when daylight savings starts within the calendar year.
  • CWFGM_GRID_ATTRIBUTE_DST_END 64-bit unsigned integer. Units are in seconds. Julian date determining when daylight savings ends within the calendar year.
  • CWFGM_ATTRIBUTE_LOAD_WARNING BSTR. Any warnings generated by the COM object when deserializating.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_CACHE_GRID_POINTS Boolean. When TRUE, caches will be calculated to determine the closest points (for statistics purposes) to the center of each grid cell.
valuePolymorphic. Value retrieved.
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for value is invalid
E_INVALIDARGAn unknown option was asked for
ERROR_SCENARIO_OPTION_INVALIDAn invalid option has been selected
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::GetBurnConditionDays ( USHORT *  days)

Retrieves the number of burn condition days.

daysThe number of days which satisfy the burn condition
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for days is invalid
double *  left,
double *  right,
double *  bottom,
double *  top 

Retrieves the rectangular area encompassing all burned areas of all fires at a specific time during the simulation.

timeA GMT time provided as seconds since Midnight January 1, 1600
leftMinimum X coordinate, inclusive
rightMaximum X coordinate, inclusive
bottomMinimum Y coordinate, inclusive
topMaximum Y coordinate, inclusive
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for left, right, bottom, or top is invalid
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf the function is run while a scenario is running
SUCCESS_FIRE_NOT_STARTEDEither no fires or the request predates the start time of the simulation
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::GetDayBurnCondition ( SHORT  day,
VARIANT_BOOL *  bEffective,
USHORT *  StartHour,
USHORT *  EndHour,
double *  MaxWS,
double *  MinRH,
double *  MinFWI 
Retrieves the burning conditions for a specific day in the simulation.  If the burning time is outside the bounds of StartHourand EndHour, then the fire does not burn.  If the wind speed is less than MaxWS, then the fire does not burn.  If the relative humidity is greater than MinRH, then the fire does not burn.  Otherwise, the fire will burn based on the spatial and temporal conditions available.

This method is a candidate for updating and should used with care. This method definition uses a non-standard (w/r to the rest of this interface) means of identifying days and times. This method declaration is also very limiting with respect to the type and range of conditions which may define the burning condition (and thus the fire growth).

dayIdentifies the day of the simulation to set these conditions upon
bEffectiveEnables or disables the burning condition
StartHourStart of the burning period of the day
EndHourEnd of the burning period of the day
MaxWSMinimum wind speed which will sustain burning
MinRHMaximum relative humidity which will sustain burning
MinFWIMinimum FWI value which will sustain burning
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for bEffective, StartHour, EndHour, MaxWS, or MinRH is invalid
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNINGDay in not within acceptable range
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::GetDefaultBurnCondition ( VARIANT_BOOL *  bEffective,
USHORT *  StartHour,
USHORT *  EndHour,
double *  MaxWS,
double *  MinRH,
double *  MinFWI 
Burning conditions may individually exist for each day of the simulation.  In addition, a standard, default burning condition can be defined for any day without specific settings.  This method retrieves those default burning conditions.

This method is a candidate for updating and should used with care. This method definition uses a non-standard (w/r to the rest of this interface) means of identifying times. This method declaration is also very limiting with respect to the type and range of conditions which may define the burning condition (and thus the fire growth).

bEffectiveEnables or disables the burning condition
StartHourStart of the burning period of the day
EndHourEnd of the burning period of the day
MaxWSMinimum wind speed which will sustain burning
MinRHMaximum relative humidity which will sustain burning
MinFWIMinimum FWI value which will sustain burning
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for bEffective, StartHour, EndHour, MaxWS, or MinRH is invalid
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::GetGridEngine ( LONGLONG *  layerThread,
ICWFGM_GridEngine **  pVal 

Sets or retrieves the object exposing the GridEngine interface that this scenario object uses to retrieve the spatial and temporal grid data (representing fuels, elevations, and weather). Note that objects implementing this interface may be chained, or layered together, but the scenario object is only concerned with the top-most object.

pValValue of GridEngine
layerThreadHandle for scenario layering/stack access, allocated from an ICWFGM_LayerManager COM object. Needed. It is designed to allow nested layering analogous to the GIS layers.
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for layerThread or pVal is invalid
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZEDThe value was retrieved before it had been initialized.
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::GetIgnitionCount ( ULONG *  count)

Returns the number of ignitions associated with this scenario object.

countNumber of ignitions
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for count is invalid
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::GetNumberFires ( ULONGLONG *  time,
ULONG *  count 

Returns the number of fires (burning, partially burning, or not burning) which are in the simulation at the specified time.

timeTime for the query
countReturn value, number of fires
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for time, or size is invalid
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf the function is run while a scenario is not running
SUCCESS_FIRE_NOT_STARTEDEither no fires or the request predates the start time of the simulation
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::GetNumberSteps ( ULONG *  steps)

Given a scenario, this method returns the number of output time steps that have been calculated in the simulation for this fire. A fire can simultaneously contain statistical information for a variety of scenarios.

stepsNumber of output times steps
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for steps is invalid
ERROR_FIRE_SCENARIO_UNKNOWNThis fire object is not attached to the scenario specified by the scenario parameter
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf the function is run while a scenario is running
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::GetStats ( ULONG  fire,
ULONGLONG *  time,
USHORT  stat,
VARIANT *  stats 

This method returns a particular statistic for the fire, for a specific simulation at a specific time. stat must be a valid statistic, as defined in FireEngine_ext.h. time is passed in as a requested time and returned as the actual time that the data is for.

\param fire Index of the fire
\param time Specified GMT time since Midnight January 1, 1600
\param stat Requested statistic.  Valid statistics for query are:
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_TOTAL_PERIMETER</code> 64-bit floating point.  (metres)  Total fire perimeter, including interior and exterior and active/inactive portions.
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_EXTERIOR_PERIMETER</code> 64-bit floating point.  (metres)  Total exterior fire perimeter, including active and inactive portions.
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_ACTIVE_PERIMETER</code> 64-bit floating point.  (metres)  Portion of the fire front considered active (interior and exterior) (where 1 or both vertices are active)
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_AREA</code> 64bit floating point. (sq. metres)  Total area of the fire.
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_TOTAL_PERIMETER_CHANGE</code> 64-bit floating point.  (metres)  Change in the total perimeter growth.
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_TOTAL_PERIMETER_GROWTH</code> 64-bit floating point.  (metres per minute)  Rate of change in the total perimeter growth rate.
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_EXTERIOR_PERIMETER_CHANGE</code> 64-bit floating point.  (metres)  Change in the exterior perimeter growth.
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_EXTERIOR_PERIMETER_GROWTH</code> 64-bit floating point.  (metres per minute)  Rate of change in the exterior perimeter growth rate.
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_ACTIVE_PERIMETER_CHANGE</code> 64-bit floating point.  (metres)  Change in the active perimeter growth.
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_ACTIVE_PERIMETER_GROWTH</code> 64-bit floating point.  (metres per minute)  Rate of change in the active perimeter growth rate.
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_AREA_CHANGE</code> 64-bit floating point.  (sq. metres).  Change in fire area.
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_AREA_GROWTH</code> 64-bit floating point.  (sq. metres).  Rate of change in the fire area.
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_NUM_POINTS</code> 32-bit integer.  Number of vertices defining the fire perimeter(s).
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_NUM_ACTIVE_POINTS</code> 32-bit integer.  Number of active vertices defining the fire perimeter(s).
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_CUMULATIVE_NUM_POINTS</code> 32-bit integer.  Total, cumulative number of verticies defining the simulation's perimeters.
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_NUM_FRONTS</code> 32-bit integer.  Number of fire fronts (interior and exterior).
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_NUM_ACTIVE_FRONTS</code> 32-bit integer.  Number of fire fronts (interior and exterior) which have at least 1 active vertex.
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_ROS</code> 64-bit floating point. Maximum rate of spread calculated from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations (metres per minute)
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_CFB</code> 64-bit floating point. Maximum crown fraction burned (unitless), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_CFC</code> 64-bit floating point. Maximum crown fuel consumption (kg/m2), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_SFC</code> 64-bit floating point. Maximum surface fuel consumption (kg/m2), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_TFC</code> 64-bit floating point. Maximum total fuel consumption (kg/m2), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FI</code> 64-bit floating point. Maximum fire intensity, based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  <li><code>CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FLAMELENGTH</code> 64-bit floating point. Maximum flame length (metres), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
\param stats Calculated statistic value
\sa ICWFGM_Scenario::GetStats

\retval E_POINTER The address provided for time or stats is invalid
\retval S_OK Successful
\retval ERROR_NO_DATA|ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING Nothing has been initialized yet
\retval ERROR_FIRE_INVALID_TIME If the time is invalid
\retval ERROR_FIRE_SCENARIO_UNKNOWN This fire object is not attached to the scenario specified by the scenario parameter
\retval SUCCESS_FIRE_NOT_STARTED Fire not yet started (stats is set to 0)
\retval ERROR_FIRE_STAT_UNKNOWN If the stat does not resolve to a known statistic
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::GetStatsArray ( ULONG  fire,
ULONGLONG *  time,
USHORT  stat,
ULONG *  size,
SAFEARRAY **  stats 

Given a fire, this method returns a statistic for each point defining a fire front at the time specified in the simulation. stat must be a valid statistic, as defined in FireEngine_ext.h. size is passed in as the size of the array, and returned as the actual number of elements set. xand y are pointers to arrays that will receive the locations (in grid units) of the fire. time is passed in as a requested time and returned as the actual time that the data is for. Statistics data is returned for both active and inactive points.

fireIndex of the fire
timeSpecified GMT time since Midnight January 1, 1600
statRequested statistic, valid statistics are:
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FBP_RSI initial spread rate without BUI effect, from FBP calculations (metres per minute)
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FBP_ROS rate of spread from FBP calculations (metres per minute)
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FBP_BROS back rate of spread from FBP calculations (metres per minute)
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FBP_FROS flank rate of spread from FBP calculations (metres per minute)
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_RAZ wind speed vector azimuth from FBP calculations (radians, Cartesian)
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_ROS rate of spread calculated from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations (metres per minute)
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_CFB crown fraction burned (unitless), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_CFC crown fuel consumption (kg/m2), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_SFC surface fuel consumption (kg/m2), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_TFC total fuel consumption (kg/m2), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FI fire intensity, based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FLAMELENGTH flame length (metres), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_OUTER Boolean. (identifies if the point is on the outer hull)
sizeSize of the stats array
statsArray of statistics
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for time, size or stats is invalid
E_OUTOFMEMORYInsufficient memory
ERROR_NOT_DATA|ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNINGNothing has been initialized yet
SUCCESS_FIRE_NOT_STARTEDThe scenario's simulation has been reset to run but hasn't actually stepped yet(in this case, size is returned 0)
ERROR_FIRE_SCENARIO_UNKNOWNThis fire object is not attached to the scenario specified by the scenario parameter
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf the function is run without any ignitions assigned to the scenario.
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::GetStatsPercentage ( ULONG  fire,
ULONGLONG *  time,
USHORT  stat,
double  greater_equal,
double  less_than,
double *  stats 

This method returns a count of occurence particular statistic for a specific range of values, given a fire and time. stat must be a valid statistic, as defined in FireEngine.h

fireIndex of the fire
timeSpecified GMT time since Midnight January 1, 1600
statRequested statistic. Valid statistics for query are:
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FBP_RSI initial spread rate without BUI effect, from FBP calculations (metres per minute)
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FBP_ROS rate of spread from FBP calculations (metres per minute)
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FBP_BROS back rate of spread from FBP calculations (metres per minute)
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FBP_FROS flank rate of spread from FBP calculations (metres per minute)
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_ROS rate of spread calculated from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations (metres per minute)
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_CFB crown fraction burned (unitless), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_CFC crown fuel consumption (kg/m2), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_SFC surface fuel consumption (kg/m2), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_TFC total fuel consumption (kg/m2), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FI fire intensity, based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FLAMELENGTH flame length (metres), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
greater_equalLower range of values
less_thanUpper range of values
statsCalculated statistic value
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for time or stats is invalid
ERROR_NO_DATA|ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNINGNothing has been initialized yet
ERROR_FIRE_INVALID_TIMEIf the time is invalid
ERROR_FIRE_SCENARIO_UNKNOWNThis fire object is not attached to the scenario specified by the scenario parameter
SUCCESS_FIRE_NOT_STARTEDFire not yet started (stats is set to 0)
ERROR_FIRE_STAT_UNKNOWNIf stat does not resolve to a known statistic
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf the function is run without a running scenario
E_OUTOFMEMORYInsufficient memory
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::GetStepsArray ( ULONG *  size,
SAFEARRAY **  times 

Given an array, return the times for each time step calculated in the simulation. size is passed in as the size of the array, and returned as the actual number of elements set. times is a pointer to an array that will receive the GMT times for each calculated time step. The size of the array that is required can be obtained by calling GetNumberSteps().

sizeSize of the times array
timesArray of times
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for size, or times is invalid
E_OUTOFMEMORYInsufficient memory
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::GetVectorArray ( ULONG  fire,
ULONGLONG *  time,
ULONG *  size,
SAFEARRAY **  xy_pairs 

Given a fire, this method returns the points defining a fire front at the time specified in the simulation. size is passed in as the size of the array, and returned as the actual number of elements set. Locations are returned in X/Y pairs in the appropriate array (in grid units) of the fire. time is passed in as a requested time and returned as the actual time that the data is for.

fireIndex of the fire
timeSpecified time(on return, time is set to the actual time the array of coordinates relates to)
sizeSize of the xy_pairs array
xy_pairs2D Array of coordinates
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for time, size or xy_pairs is invalid
E_OUTOFMEMORYInsufficient memory
ERROR_FIRE_SCENARIO_UNKOWNThis fire object is not attached to the scenario specified by the scenario
SUCCESS_FIRE_NOT_STARTEDThe scenario's simulation has been reset to turn, but hasn't actually stepped yet(in this case, size is returned 0)
SUCCESS_FIRE_BURNED_OUTThis fire has completely burned out in this simulation and has no remaining points defining it front for this time (size is returned 0)
ERROR_NO_DATA|ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNINGNothing has been initialized yet
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf the function is run without any ignition assigned to the scenario
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::GetVectorEngineCount ( ULONG *  count)

Returns the number of vector engine objects associated with this scenario object.

countNumber of vector engine objects
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for count is invalid
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::GetVectorSize ( ULONG  fire,
ULONGLONG *  time,
ULONG *  size 

Given a fire, this method returns the number of points defining a fire front at the time specified in the simulation. time is passed in as a requested time and returned as the actual time that the vector size relates to.

fireIndex of the fire
timeSpecified time(on return, time is set to the actual time the vector size relates to)
sizeNumber of points defining a fire front
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for time or size is invalid
S_OKSuccessful(if time is invalid)
ERROR_FIRE_SCENARIO_UNKOWNThis fire object is not attached to the scenario specified by the scenario parameter
SUCCESS_FIRE_NOT_STARTEDThe scenario's simulation has been reset to run, but hasn't actually stepped yet(in this case size is returned to 0)
ERROR_NO_DATA|ERROR|SEVERITY|WARNINGNothing has been initialized yet
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf the function is run without any ignitions assigned to the scenario
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::GetXYStats ( double  X,
double  Y,
ULONGLONG *  time,
USHORT  stat,
USHORT  interp_method,
VARIANT *  stats 

This method returns a particular statistic for a specific location in the fire/grid, for a specific simulation at a specific time. stat must be a valid statistic, as defined in FireEngine_ext.h. time is passed in as a requested time and returned as the actual time that the data is for.

XThe x coordinate
YThe y coordinate
timeSpecified GMT time since January 1, 1600
statRequest statistic. Valid statistics for query are:
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FBP_RSI initial spread rate without BUI effect, from FBP calculations (metres per minute)
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FBP_ROS rate of spread from FBP calculations (metres per minute)
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FBP_BROS back rate of spread from FBP calculations (metres per minute)
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FBP_FROS flank rate of spread from FBP calculations (metres per minute)
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_RAZ wind speed vector azimuth from FBP calculations (radians, Cartesian)
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_CFB crown fraction burned (unitless), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_CFC crown fuel consumption (kg/m2), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_SFC surface fuel consumption (kg/m2), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_TFC total fuel consumption (kg/m2), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FI fire intensity, based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FLAMELENGTH flame length (metres), based on ROS from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_FMC foliar moisture content
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_ROS rate of spread calculated from Dr. Richards' ellipse equations (metres per minute)
  • CWFGM_FIRE_STAT_ACTIVE Boolean. (Identifies if the point is active or stopped.)
interp_methodHow to calculate/determine the value of the statistic requested
  • SCENARIO_XYSTAT_TECHNIQUE_CLOSEST_VERTEX Picks the closest vertex from 1 of 2 specific fire perimeters: the one which first contained the point of interest, and the perimeter immediately prior to that.
  • SCENARIO_XYSTAT_TECHNIQUE_IDW Calculates the statistic using IDW, using all local, active vertices.
  • SCENARIO_XYSTAT_TECHNIQUE_AREA_WEIGHTING Calculates the statistic using weighting based on union between voronoi regions and the grid cell of interest.
  • SCENARIO_XYSTAT_TECHNIQUE_VORONOI_OVERLAP Calculates the statistic using weighting based on the union of the point's inserted voronoi region and the voronoi regions of each vertex without the point.
  • SCENARIO_XYSTAT_TECHNIQUE_CALCULATE Calculates the statistic in the same manner as the simulation would.
statsCalculated statistic value
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for time or stats is invalid
ERROR_NO_DATA|ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNINGNothing has been initialized yet
ERROR_FIRE_INVALID_TIMEIf the time is invalid
ERROR_FIRE_SCENARIO_UNKNOWNThis fire object is not attached to the scenario specified by the scenario parameter
SUCCESS_FIRE_NOT_STARTEDFire not yet started(stats is set to 0)
ERROR_FIRE_STAT_UNKNOWNIf stat does not rewolve to a known statistic
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf the function is run without a running scenario
E_OUTOFMEMORYInsufficient memory
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::IgnitionAtFireIndex ( ULONG  index,
ULONGLONG *  time,
ICWFGM_Ignition **  fire 

Given a fire at a specific time in the simulation, identifies the ignition from which the fire originated.

indexIndex of the fire
timeTime of the simulation
fireReturn value; ignition
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for fire is invalid
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf the function is run while a scenario is not running
SUCCESS_FIRE_NOT_STARTEDEither no fires or the request predates the start time of the simulation
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWNThis fire object is not attached to the scenario specified by the scenario parameter
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::IgnitionAtIndex ( ULONG  index,
ICWFGM_Ignition **  fire 

Given an index value, returns a pointer to an ignition associated with this scenario.

indexIndex to an ignition
fireAn ignition object
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for fire is invalid
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::IndexOfIgnition ( ICWFGM_Ignition fire,
ULONG *  index 

Returns the index of fire in this scenario's set of ignitions.

fireAn ignition object
indexIndex to a fire object
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for fire or index is invalid
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWNIf fire does not resolve to a know fire for this scenario
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::IndexOfVectorEngine ( ICWFGM_VectorEngine vectorEngine,
ULONG *  index 

Returns the index of vectorEngine in this scenario's set of vector engines.

vectorEngineA vector engine object
indexIndes to a vector engine
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for vectorEngine or index is invalid
ERROR_SCENARIO_VECTORENGINE_UNKNOWNIf vectorEngine does not reolve to a known vector engine for this scenario
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::IsXYBurned ( double  X,
double  Y,
short *  burned 

Retrieves whether the location at (X, Y) was burned before or during time.

XX coordinate
YY coordinate
timeA GMT time provided as seconds since Midnight January 1, 1600
burnedIf the location has been burned, this value is set to 1, otherwise it is set to 0.
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for burned is invalid
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf the function is run while a scenario is running
SUCCESS_FINE_NOT_STARTEDEither no fires or the request predates the start time of the simulation
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::put_UserData ( VARIANT  newVal)
This property is unused by the scenario object, and is available for exclusive use by the client code.

It is a VARIANT so that the client code may store pointer values for use in subclassing this object. This value is not loaded or saved during serialization operations, and it is the responsibility of the client code to manage any value or object stored here. Access to this property is not thread-safe.

newValReplacement value for UserData
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for pVal is invalid
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::PutGridEngine ( LONGLONG  layerThread,
ICWFGM_GridEngine newVal 

Sets or retrieves the object exposing the GridEngine interface that this scenario object uses to retrieve the spatial and temporal grid data (representing fuels, elevations, and weather). Note that objects implementing this interface may be chained, or layered together, but the scenario object is only concerned with the top-most object.

newValReplacement value for GridEngine
layerThreadHandle for scenario layering/stack access, allocated from an ICWFGM_LayerManager COM object. Needed. It is designed to allow nested layering analogous to the GIS layers.
See Also
Return values
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZEDThe value was retrieved before it had been initialized.
E_NOINTERFACEThe object provided doesn't support the ICWFGM_GridEngine interface.
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::RemoveIgnition ( ICWFGM_Ignition fire)

Removes an association between an ignition and this scenario object.

fireAn ignition object
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for fire is invalid
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf this function is run while the scenario is running
ERROR_SCENARIO_FIRE_UNKNOWNFire is unknown to this scenario object
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::RemoveVectorEngine ( ICWFGM_VectorEngine vectorEngine)

Removes a vector engine object from this scenario.

vectorEngineA vector engine object
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for VectorEngine is invalid.
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf this function is run while the scenario is running
ERROR_SCENARIO_VECTORENGINE_UNKNOWNIf vectorEngine does not resolve to a known vector engine for this scenario.
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::SetAttribute ( USHORT  option,
VARIANT  value 
Polymorphic.  Sets a value for a scenario setting that the client application can modify to change the operation of the scenario.  
    \param option Option of interest(a list of possible options appears in "FireEngine_ext.h".  Supported / valid attribute/option index supported are:
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_ACCEL Boolean. If TRUE, then acceleration is applied to various output statistics in the FBP standard. This value should only applicable to point ignitions. If FALSE, then the fire is assumed to be always at equilibrium.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_BUI Boolean. If TRUE, then the BUI build-up effect is applied to various statistics in the FBP standard.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_TOPOGRAPHY Boolean. If TRUE, then the slope component to calculating the WSV output statistic in the FBP standard is set to 0.0. If TRUE, then the wind speed is used as provided. This setting also affects the slope component in Dr. Richards' 3D equations.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_GREENUP Boolean. Specific FBP fuel types use different equations during green-up. This flag determines whether to use green-up equations or not.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_FMC_TERRAIN Boolean. If TRUE, then elevation is used to calculate FMC. Note that specific rules exist when default elevations have to be used.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WIND Boolean. If FALSE, then the wind component to calculating the WSV statistic in the FBP standard is set to 0.0. If TRUE, then the wind speed is used as provided.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_USE_2DGROWTH Boolean. TRUE if using Dr. Richards' 2D equations. FALSE if using Dr. Richards' 3D equations.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_BOUNDARY_STOP Boolean. TRUE if the simulation stops when any simulated fire reaches the grid boundary. FALSE if the simulation should continue (in which case, any perimeter of the fire is stopped and clipped at the grid boundary).
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_SPOTTING Boolean. Currently unused.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_BREACHING Boolean. Determines whether breaching of vector and gridded fire breaks is allowed.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_SINGLETHREADING Boolean. TRUE if multithreading within a simulation is disabled. FALSE if multithreading is enabled.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_NONFUELS_AS_VECTOR_BREAKS Boolean. When TRUE, square polygons are built around each non-fuel grid cell. This option affects performance, and how breaching, etc. operations perform around non-fuel grid cells.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_TEMPORAL Boolean. When TRUE, temporal weather interpolation is turned on, for all of the WX and hourly/instantantaneous FWI calculations.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_SPATIAL Boolean. When TRUE, spatial weather interpolation is turned on. This option applies to both WX and FWI values, and will work whether there is 1 or more weather stations assigned to the scenario. If FALSE, then there should only be one weather stream.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_PRECIP Boolean. Conditional on CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_SPATIAL. When TRUE, precipitation is spatially interpolated using IDW. When FALSE, precipitation from the primary weather stream is used.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_WIND Boolean. Conditional on CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_SPATIAL. When TRUE, wind is spatially interpolated (WS is defined using IDW, WD is chosen from the closest station); when FALSE, wind from the primary weather stream is used.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_TEMP_RH Boolean. Conditional on CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_SPATIAL. When TRUE, temperature, dew point temperature, and RH are calculated spatially from adiabatic lapse rates; when FALSE, values from the primary weather stream are used.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_WEATHER_INTERPOLATE_CALCFWI Boolean. If FALSE, then the current FWI values are returned (possibly interpolated). If TRUE, then the current FWI values are calculated from the prior FWI values and the current weather values (likely spatially interpolated).
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_ACCURATE_FMC_LOCATION Boolean. When TRUE, the precise location of a simulated fire vertex is used when calculating FMC. When FALSE, the grid's lower left corner is used in calculating FMC.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_STARTING_POINTS 16-bit unsigned integer. Number of verticies used for a point ignition. Valid values are 6 to 64 inclusive.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_MULTITHREADING 32-bit unsigned integer. If multithreading is enabled, then this option determines how many threads to allow.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_PERIMETER_RESOLUTION 64-bit floating point. Maximum distance between any two vertices on a fire perimeter.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_SPATIAL_THRESHOLD 64-bit floating point. Maximum distance (in grid units) that a vertex is allows to travel while advancing a fire perimeter.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_SMOOTHING_WEIGHT 64-bit floating point. Smoothing factor which allows a vertex's neighbours' rates of spread to impact its calculated distance travelled.
  • CWFGM_GRID_ATTRIBUTE_LATITUDE 64-bit floating point, radians.
  • CWFGM_GRID_ATTRIBUTE_LONGITUDE 64-bit floating point, radians.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_SPECIFIED_FMC 64-bit floating point. User-override FMC value for the simulation. If >= 0, then the value is used, if < 0 then, this value is not used.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_DEFAULT_ELEVATION 64-bit floating point, metres. User specified elevation to use when there is no grid elevation available for at a requested grid location.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_IGNITION_SIZE 64-bit floating point. Diameter (in grid units) of the starting circle of an ignition point. Also used to determine the width of an ignition line.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_START_TIME 64-bit unsigned integer. GMT time provided as seconds since Midnight January 1, 1600
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_END_TIME 64-bit unsigned integer. GMT time provided as seconds since Midnight January 1, 1600
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_TEMPORAL_THRESHOLD 64-bit signed integer. Units are in seconds. Maximum time allowed between any two adjacent simulation time steps.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_TEMPORAL_THRESHOLD_ACCEL 64-bit signed integer. Units are in seconds. Maximum time allowed between two adjacent simulation time steps when any ignition is in its acceleration phase (when ROSt is less than 90% of ROSeq).
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_DISPLAY_INTERVAL 64-bit signed integer. Units are in seconds. Time interval for output fire perimeters, or 0 if every time step is to be outputted.
  • CWFGM_GRID_ATTRIBUTE_TIMEZONE 64-bit signed integer. Units are in seconds, relative to GMT. For example, MST (Mountain Standard Time) would be -6 * 60 * 60 seconds. Valid values are from -12 hours to +12 hours.
  • CWFGM_GRID_ATTRIBUTE_DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS 64-bit signed integer. Units are in seconds. Amount of correction to apply for daylight savings time.
  • CWFGM_GRID_ATTRIBUTE_DST_START 64-bit unsigned integer. Units are in seconds. Julian date determining when daylight savings starts within the calendar year.
  • CWFGM_GRID_ATTRIBUTE_DST_END 64-bit unsigned integer. Units are in seconds. Julian date determining when daylight savings ends within the calendar year.
  • CWFGM_SCENARIO_OPTION_CACHE_GRID_POINTS Boolean. When TRUE, caches will be calculated to determine the closest points (for statistics purposes) to the center of each grid cell.
valuePolymorphic. Value for option being set.
See Also
Return values
ERR0R_SCENARIO_OPTION_INVALIDAn unknown boolean option was asked for
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf this function is run while the scenario is running
E_INVALIDARGIf value is not 0 or 1
E_FAILUnspecified error
E_POINTERThe address provided is invalid
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::SetDayBurnCondition ( SHORT  day,
VARIANT_BOOL  bEffective,
USHORT  StartHour,
USHORT  EndHour,
double  MaxWS,
double  MinRH,
double  MinFWI 
Sets the burning conditions for a specific day in the simulation.  If the burning time is outside the bounds of StartHour and EndHour, then the fire does not burn.  If the wind speed is less than MaxWS, then the fire does not burn.  If the relative humidity is greater than 'MinRH', then the fire does not burn.  Otherwise, the fire will burn based on the spatial and temporal conditions available.

This method is a candidate for updating and should used with care. This method definition uses a non-standard (w/r to the rest of this interface) means of identifying days and times. This method declaration is also very limiting with respect to the type and range of conditions which may define the burning condition (and thus the fire growth). The implementation in this scenario object also requires that if burning conditions exits for days 3, 5, then specific burning conditions must also exist for days 0, 1, 2, 4.

dayIdentifires the day of the simulation to set these conditions upon
bEffectiveEnables or disables the burning condition
StartHourStart of the burning period of the day
EndHourEnd of the burning period of the day
MaxWSMinimum wind speed which will sustain burning
MinRHMaximum relative humidity which will sustain burning
MinFWIMinimum FWI value which will sustain burning
See Also
Return values
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNINGIf day not within acceptable range
E_INVALIDARGIf any of the parameters passed in are invalid
ERROR_SCENRARIO_BAD_STATEIf function is called while scenario is running
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::SetDefaultBurnCondition ( VARIANT_BOOL  bEffective,
USHORT  StartHour,
USHORT  EndHour,
double  MaxWS,
double  MinRH,
double  MinFWI 
Burning conditions may individually exist for each day of the simulation.  In addition, a standard, default burning condition can be defined for any day without specific settings.  This method sets these default burning conditions.

This method is a candidate for updating and should used with care. This method definition uses a non-standard (w/r to the rest of this interface) means of identifying times. This method declaration is also very limiting with respect to the type and range of conditions which may define the burning condition (and thus the fire growth).

bEffectiveEnables or disables the burning condition
StartHourStart of the burning period of the day
EndHourEnd of the burning period of the day
MaxWSMinimum windpseed which will sustain burning
MinRHMaximum relative humidity which will sustain burning
MinFWIMinimum FWI value which will sustain burning
See Also
Return values
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf the function is run while a scenario is running
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::Simulation_Clear ( )

Clears the current scenario's calculations, unlocks the scenario's objects and clears the displays.

See Also
Return values
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::Simulation_Reset ( )

Prepares a scenario's simulation to begin running. This routine must be called before Simulation_Step(), and must be called to re-run a simulation. This routine erases any data stored from a previously running simulation.

See Also
Return values
S_OKScenario ready to execute, but has not begun
ERROR_GRID_UNINTIATLIZEDNo ICWFGM_GridEngine object has been specified, or that object doesn't have an initialized latitude, longitude, or time zone.
ERROR_SCENARIO_NO_FIRESNo fires have been attached to the scenario
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMESStart or end time is invalid or the internal or output calculations intervals are invalid
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIME_STEPSThe time steps are invalid
ERROR_SCENARIO_INVALID_BURNCONDITIONSInvalid burn condition settings (burning periods between days overlap)
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNINGThe FuelMap for the object implementing the ICWFGM_GridEngine interface has not been set, or no FBP data has been loaded
ERROR_GRID_WEATHER_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDThe object implementing the ICWFGM_Grid_Enging interface does not handle weather data, and it was asked to test for valididty against simulation times
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEIf this function is run while the scenario is running
ERROR_GRID_WEATHER_INVALID_DATESWeather grids which were attached are in an invalid state
S_FALSEUnspecified error
E_OUTOFMEMORYInsufficient memory
E_INVALIDARGUnspecified error
E_FAILUnspecified error
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_NOT_ASSIGNEDNo weather streams are attached to this scenario
E_POINTERUnspecified error
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::Simulation_State ( )

Returns the current state of the simulation, being currently running, complete, or in some invalid state preventing any simulation from beginning.

See Also
Return values
S_OKScenario ready toexecute, but has not begun
ERROR_GRID_UNINITALIZEDNo ICWFGM_GridEngine object has been specified or that object doesn't have an initialized latitude, longitude, or time zone
ERROR_SCENARIO_NO_FIRESNo fires have been attached to the scenario
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_TIMESStart of end time is invalid, or the internal or output calculations intervals are invalid
ERROR_SCEARNIO_BAD_TIMESTEPSThe time steps are invalid
ERROR_SCENARIO_INVALID_BURNCONDITIONSInvalid burn condition settings (burning periods between days overlap)
ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNINGThe FuelMap for the object implementing the ICWFGM_GridEngine interface has not been set, or no FBP data has been loaded
ERROR_GRID_WEATHER_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDThe object implementing the ICWFGM_GridEngine does not handle weather data, and it was asked to test for validity against simulation times
SUCCESS_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_RESETThe scenarios has been reset and is pending simulation execution
SUCCESS_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_RUNNINGThe scenario's simulation is running
SUCCESS_SCENARIO_SIMULATION_COMPLETEThe scenario's simulation is complete
ERROR_GRID_WEATHER_INVALID_DATESWeather grids which were attached are in an invalid state
ERROR_GRID_PRIMARY_STREAM_UNSPECIFIEDMultiple weather streams exist, but none have been identified as the primary weather stream.
S_FALSEUnspecified error
E_OUTOFMEMORYOut of memory
E_INVALIDARGUnspecified error
E_FAILUnspecified error
ERROR_WEATHER_STREAM_NOT_ASSIGNEDNo weather streams are attached to this scenario
E_POINTERUnspecified error
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::Simulation_Step ( )

Runs the simulation for exactly one calculation time step period of time. This routine can be called after Simulation_Reset().

See Also
Return values
S_OKScenario ready to execute, but has not begun
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEScenario is not running
ERROR_GRID_UNINITIALIZEDNo ICWFGM_GridEngine object has been specified, or that object doesn't have an initalized latitude, longitude, or time zone
E_OUTOFMEMORYInsufficient memory
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::Simulation_StepBack ( )

Removes one displayable step during a simulation.

See Also
Return values
ERROR_SCENARIO_BAD_STATEScenario is not running
ERR0R_GRID_UNINTIALIZEDNo ICWFGM_GridEngine object has been specified, or that object doesn't have an initialized latitude, longitude, or time zone.
STDMETHODIMP CCWFGM_Scenario::VectorEngineAtIndex ( ULONG  index,
ICWFGM_VectorEngine **  vectorEngine 

Given an index value, returns a pointer to a vector engine associated with this scenario.

indexIndes to a vector engine
vectorEngineA vector engine object
See Also
Return values
E_POINTERThe address provided for vector Engine is invalid
ERROR_SCENARIO_VECTORENGINE_UNKNOWNIf index does not resolve to a known vector engine